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Vibrant, Bold, Fun, and Cultural celebrations are nothing new to the RACUOCFMF bunch; driving forward with that energy, we celebrated Avurudu on the 11

th of  April 2022, at Torrington flat grounds which was wonderfully organized by the Club service and Sports Avenue. Avurudu was nothing short of excellent.

The day kick-started with Rotaractors in beautiful sarongs and lungis gathering to the event premises. Fun games, good food, and great entertainment (Leon’s mini stand up comedies) lined up for them. The event was Hosted by Rtr. Leon Fambeck and Rtr. Thinali Rathnayake. The first game on the agenda was “Aliyata Aha thabeema. Although Rtr. Eranga Dias won the game, Rtr. Leon Fambeck, participated and won at the very last moment decimating any victory that was achieved before him. Alas, The greatest blind heroes of all time.

The fun session of “Aliyata aha thabeema” was followed by Kana mutti Bideema. We had many participants testing their luck in this game; some ended up missing the pots by the slightest whim while others ended up miles away from the pots, wandering blindfolded in the lonely territory all by themselves, thanks to deceitful guidance by their ever so lovely fellow Rotaractors. Fortunately, after all the misses, the crowd managed to guide Rtr. Chovini to the winning pot. The shattered pot had blue coloured water in it, indicating that he/she had indeed won the game “ Kana Mutti Bideema.”

Meanwhile, we did not forget to announce the clues for the “Sagawunu Amuththa” – Single, Can rap, great at matchmaking between all the hubbub. Keep reading to find out who it is.

Next up was “Kiri Kaweema” the crowd was to find a partner of the opposite gender for this game, which left many lonely souls, partnerless. The tactful ones embraced this golden opportunity and popped the question to the one they fancied. After forming all pairs, the game started only to be won in a matter of seconds by Rtr.Jayodya and Rtr.Theeksha ones who win together, stick together.

Next up was the pair run, yet another find-yourself-a-partner scenario. All pairs were given cloth ties to tie two feet together, one foot of each. They had to then run in harmony with their partner towards the finishing line. The couple with the best coordination in the movement was Rtr. Kalani and Rtr. Kayomi.

Between these games, Rtr. Vishvi Wijethunga along with her crew, sold much-needed lemon Mojitos, and cupcakes by the club’s pâtissier, Rtr. Subhavi, hot dogs, Avurudu treat boxes and water bottles to aid the cancer patients at the Apeksha Hospitals’ children’s ward.

Couple games galore at the RACUOCFMF avurudu. Next came the water balloon passing event, where many accusations were made, and friendships were bruised. (JK) A heated competition proved that RACUOCFMFers had exceptional talent at tossing water-filled balloons around. After a series of highly competitive rounds, Rtr. Chanuka and Rtr. Sunithi secured the winning title at the game.

To liven up the mood with some baila beats, Musical chairs was announced. With the participation of many enthusiastic participants and the very sassy dance moves of Rtr. Malith, Musical chairs was a big hit. After many rounds of fighting each other for chairs, the contestants narrowed down to the top two, Rtr. Janul and Rtr Malith.  Following a heated final round Rtr. Malith secured himself the victory title of Musical Chairs.

Tug of war was basically the two teams begging the big guys to side with them. We had two teams, Team 1 and team 2 (next-level creativity in the names) where after three rounds, Rtr. Anuji’s team proved to be the stronger bunch.

Of course, the most anticipated event in any Avurudu uthsawaya is the selection of Avurudu Kumara and Kumari. Needless to say We RACUOCFMFers are born to be stunners. In a fun round of Contestants introducing each other and enduring Leon’s cheeky on-stage interviews, our handsome boys and gorgeous girls showed off their beauty and wits. Even though, ideally, they were all suitable for the title of Avurudu Kumaraya and Kumari, we chose only two winners. Mr. kota model laga pick up (As he called himself) Rtr. Theeksha Gunesinghe won Avurudu Kumaraya while Rtr Gayan became the runner up. Avurudu Kumariya was won by the incredibly charismatic Rtr. Sakura and the runners up title was secured by the pretty Rtr. Mindya.

Sagawunu Amuththa was finally announced to be Rtr. Vageesha (Were you able to guess it right? ) nd that marked the end of an extremely fun and cultural celebration which would be imprinted on us Rotaractors’ minds for years to come.

Perhaps that is the beauty of Rotaract. The friends, the moments, the teasing, it all makes you feel like you are a part of a community who invites you and cradles you. Regardless of their culture, their creed, everyone deeply enjoyed the Sinhala and Tamil traditions, ensuring that the efforts of the organizing committee were far from being in vain.

Written By:-
Rtr. Thinali Rathnayake
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Githma De Silva
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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