10th Charter Day

The origins of RACUOCFMF – The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance can be traced back to the 12

th of October 2010.

Here’s how this special day in our calendar was celebrated this year on the 22nd of October.

Just another ordinary day of the year turned extraordinary as we celebrated the 10th Charter Day of our Club.

The event took place at our very own faculty adding a homely ambience to the event and commenced at 5.30pm. The project was organized by Rtr. Dinul Fernando and Rtr. Vineli Handapangoda. It was a golden opportunity for them to organize an event which turned out to be a great success along with the support and encouragement of active amateurs who joined the club recently.

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After ushering in the distinguished invitees who had gathered together, the special occasion began with an interesting video being played and it included insights of our projects carried out throughout the past years. While watching the video and enjoying it simultaneously the present Rotaractors felt hopeful and motivated about the projects they were to embark upon together as a team in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile for the past Rotaractors in the audience, a sense of nostalgia kicked in as it was a quick trip down the memory lane of Rotaract.

Next came the most appetizing part of the event which was the cutting of the delicious cake baked by our Immediate Past President Rtr. Limashi Kosgodage. Vibrant spirits swept through the occasion when our very own fellow, talented Rotaractors, Keshani, Saseni and Malinka entertained the gathering with their soulful voices that kept the audience enlivened. This was followed by the address to the gathering by the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) Rtr. PP. Krishan Balaji who interestingly unfolded his kind thoughts about our club’s journey so far.

DRR Rtr. PP. Krishan Balaji
addressing the gathering

Thereafter Past President Rtr. Praveen Fernando shared a few memories and experiences from his journey through Rotaract, with a touch of humour and concluded by repeating a few words from a speech he had given in his last few days of being a Rotaractor. This indeed touched the hearts of many in the room. Next the opportunity was given to one of our Past Editors – Rtr. Ruzni Faik, the pioneer of our club’s blog, a best friend of Rtr. Praveen Fernando and above all a Past Rotaractor who still loves to see our club reach great heights. He too shared his valuable ideas, views and unforgettable experiences like unexpectedly meeting the President of Rotary International, back in their time.

The event would have been incomplete if not for our very own President Rtr. Shehani Leo addressing the gathering. She made it an opportunity to acknowledge the presence of all past members and expressed how proud and delightful she is to be a part of this wonderful journey of a beautiful movement, especially as the 10th President of the Club.

Rtr. Shehani Leo addressing the gathering

Afterwards tokens of appreciation were awarded to all Past Presidents and Secretaries present at the event and also to Prof. Arosha Adikaram in appreciation of the tremendous support extended by her as the Club Advisor and Club’s Senior Treasurer. By doing so we made sure that we didn’t just pause and recollect the times gone by but also praised those who made all of it possible.  

The occasion came to an end, with the clicking of the customary group photos with all present. The past, present as well as the future of the club was captured in one frame. Refreshments were served afterwards and with wide smiles and loud laughter the rest of the evening was spent.

In our hearts, we had one wish in common and we still do.

Image Courtesy: Sanjana D. Wanigasekara

Written By:

Rtr. Arshad Sufi Ismail
( Club Member 2019/20 )

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