10th Installation Ceremony Of The Rotaract Club Of Battaramulla

The 10th Installation Ceremony of President Rtr. Gadjen Suriyakumar and his Board of Directors for the year 2015/16, was held on the 25th of July 2015 at  the Russian Cultural Centre, Colombo 07. On behalf of our club Rtr. Ruvini, Rtr. Nawangi, Rtr. Dinath and Rtr. Supun attended the Ceremony.

The Proceedings started with the arrival of the Chief Guest and the dignitaries. The Chief Guest for the day was Mr. Shuo, Director of Parkway Hospitals and the Guests of Honor for the evening were DRCC Rtn. Saifu Adamaly, and Rotarian President Suranga Palliyaguruge.

Following the flag salutation, Rotaract invocation, and the four way test and the Rotaract song the house was called to order by the outgoing President Rtr. Madhavi  Wanigasekara.  After the Secretary’s report for year 2014/15, the outgoing President addressed the gathering, following which she officially handed over all the responsibilities and duties to the incoming President for the year. Rtr. Gadjen Suriyakumar then introduced the new board of directors for the year 2015/16.

The newly appointed board members of the Rotaract club of Battaramulla For the year 2015/16 are as follows-

President- Gadjen Suriyakumar
Secretary- Raeesh Adjee
Assistant Secretary- Sajani Dissanayake
Treasurer- Shirohmi Srirameshan
Vice President and Community Service Director- Damitha Yatawara
Sergeant At Arms- Sutharshan Letchumanathan
Director Of Professional Development- Safia Saleem
Director Of Community Service & IT- Sudam Manudith
Director Of Public Relation & Editor- Bernadine Yuvaraj
Director Of International Understanding- Sathsivam Divyadave

The Incoming President Rtr. Gadjen further mentioned that this year is a special year for Rotaract Club of Battaramulla and he wanted every member of the club to be known as warriors of Rotaract club of Battaramulla.

As per the agenda, Rtr. PHF. Sathiyeandra Tharmakulerajasingham, who is the District Rotaract Representative for 2015/16, addressed the gathering. In his speech he quoted “Rotaract will be the change that you are going to see in the future, the way you dress, the way you talk with your friends, the entire network, everything will change” and he further mentioned 2015/16 is a year that we all Sri Lankans waited for, because we have produced the Rotary International President from our country.

Next item was a song by Kirk Michael who is a member of the Rotaract Club of Battaramulla. Following this the chief guest Mr.Shuo addressed the gathering. The second entertainment item was a hip-hop dance performed by Five Fingers dancing group, which made the event more colorful and was enjoyed by all.
There after the floor was open for felicitation and on behalf of our club Rtr.Supun Walpola Congratulated the incoming President and wished him a great year ahead.

The Installation ceremony concluded with the vote of thanks by the incoming Secretary and ended with the National anthem. The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance took pleasure in participating in the installation ceremony and we wish all the very best for the incoming board for a very successful year 2015/16. 

Reported by-
Rtr. Ruvini Nuwangi

Compiled by-
Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb (Co-Director – Community Service)

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Sudam Manudith

On behalf of the Rotaract club of Battaramulla, thank you very much for attending the event and for the lovely post.