10th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens

The 10th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens was held on the 17th of September 2020 at the Royal College Union Skills Center. Representing RACUOCFMF, Past Secretary Rtr. Piyumi Abeywardhane, Rtr. Adithya Dehigama. Rtr. Harith Lokugamage and Rtr. Dulan Prabashana attended the graceful ceremony to witness the pass on of the legacy of RAC Cinnamon Gardens.

The ceremony solemnly commenced with the brightening of the oil lamp by the dignitaries which was immediately followed by the Sergeant at arms calling the house to order to proceed with the Conventional Formalities; the Flag salutation, Rotaract Invocation, Four Way test and the Rotaract Song. After the dignitaries were ushered to the head table, the gathering was genially welcomed by Rtr. Hamdi Hasnayn.

Then the Outgoing Secretary, Rtr Ranul Maddumaarachchi presented the Annual Report for the year 2019/20 where he covered the projects initiated under all avenues and elaborated on a few eminent projects including the Club’s Signature Project, ‘Baila Night’. He also extended his gratitude towards all the members, the fellow Clubs in the District and the District Steering Committee for the immense support  extended. Subsequently, he ended his speech on a high note by screening a nostalgic video which captured the recalls of the past year.

Momentarily, the Outgoing President Rtn. Rtr. Haneekah Rahil took the spot light in addressing the gathering. She shared an interesting incident that had occurred during a job interview, underlining the influence of the movement to the community through the sustainable and creative projects executed. She further urged the Incoming President, Board and the attendees to focus on sustainable development initiatives which indeed add a lasting impact to the motherland. Rtn. Rtr. Haneekah who was fortunate enough to find her ‘soul mate’ through the Rotaract movement, concluded her speech with a cheesy yet honest saying. “Just like there is a woman behind a successful man, there is also a man behind a successful woman” ,she said.

Next, Rtr. Hussain Hamida  introduced the Incoming President conspicuously and thereupon the most awaited moment of the ceremony, the collaring of the new president occurred. President for the year 2019/20 Rtn. Rtr. Haneekah Rahil gracefully collared the President for the year 2020/21 Rtr. Mohammed Firoz and officially handed over the duties and responsibilities of continuing the humble yet exceptional services of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens.

Following the collaring, the Newly Appointed President Rtr. Mohammed Firoz started his address by quoting, “Internal action for external growth” and thereafter in his speech, he accentuated on his plans for the year and winded up the brief address after which he introduced his Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2020/21 are as follows;

  • President – Rtr. Mohammed Firoz
  • Immediate Past President – Rtn. Rtr. Haneekah Rahil
  • Vice President – Rtr. Ranul Maddumaarachchi
  • Secretary – Rtr. Radiya Abid
  • Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Moiz Ammar
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Abdul Basith Mukthar
  • Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Masato Methun
  • Editor – Rtr. Hussain Mohammed
  • Community Service Director – Rtr. Afna Fairoos
  • Club Service and International Service Director – Rtr. Hamdi Hasnayn
  • Finance Director – Rtr. Senali Welgama


Afterwards, the District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Kasun Sigera articulated his insights about the evolvement of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens where he stated, “It’s not about the number of projects, but the quality of work”. He halted his speech by remarking that Rotaractors are the ones who can and have the potential to change the motherland.

Thereupon the dignitaries of the event; Rtr. Amjath Yoosuf, Guest of Honor Mr. Yasas Hewage and the Chief Guest Rtn. Kannan Thiyagarajah also expressed their thoughts and views highlighting the impact made by the movement in terms of the monetary contribution, innovativeness and the rising Rotaract population.

Afterwards, an electrifying beatboxing performance which arose a wave of exhilaration, was delivered by Rtr. Lakshan Wijesooriya and Rtr. Sashmith Ravinath

Editor’s Note- Pretty sure that anyone who had zoned out at the time, would’ve woken up and clapped for these two extremely talented artists :’)

Next, tokens of appreciation were presented to the notables and with that the stage was open for felicitations. Finally, with the Vote of Thanks delivered by the Secretary Rtr. Radiya Abid, the wonderful evening came to a gratifying closure.

It was indeed a delight for the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance to be part of this magnificent ceremony and would like to extend its sincerest wishes to Rtr. Mohammed Firoz and his exceptional Board of Directors for a prosperous year ahead.

Written By:
Rtr. Adithya Dehigama
(Co-Director – Finance – 2020/21)

Edited By:
Rtr. Keshani Jayathilake
(Blog Team Member – 2020/21)

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