11th installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of SLIIT


The Rotaract Club of SLIIT stepped into another glorious year ahead by starting off with its 11th Installation held vibrantly from 10 a.m. onwards at the SLIIT main auditorium. This was to signify the start of another fabulous year ahead for Rtr. Manisha Alwis and her board of directors. Representing RACUOCFMF a team consisting of Rtr. Vishwi Wijetunge Rtr. Melisha Gonaduwa, Rtr. Mindya Pravindi, Rtr. sethum Perera, Rtr. Nethmi Aloka, Rtr. Venumi Kuruppu, Rtr. Piyumi Liyanage attended the ceremony to congratulate the upcoming board of directors for a fantastic year ahead. The ceremony commenced with the traditional formalities of welcoming the dignitaries and well-wishers, calling the house to order, and lighting the oil lamp, followed by reciting the Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, the Four-way test, and the Rotaract song.The Welcome address was given by the project chairs who organized the 11th installation, and it was followed by a video for a walk down memory lane of the 10th year of the Rotaract Club of SLIIT. Next, the secretary report delivered by Rtr. Manisha Alwis stressed the fact that the fuel crisis and power cuts faced in 2022 vastly hindered the movement of club members but they were able to complete over 40 projects successfully despite such circumstances.Next, the audience was addressed by the outgoing president for the year 2022-2023 Rtr. Lathushanan signifies the end of a successful year. Afterward, the Dean of the management faculty Mr. Suren handed over special recognition to the past president, and the Most Outstanding Secretary award was also given as an award of special recognition to the Secretary of the club for her immense commitment in the past year.

The moment the entire audience was looking forward was next, the glorious moment of collaring the new president Rtr. Manisha Alwis. She will be taking on the reigns to carry on the legacy of the Rotaract Club of SLIIT for the RI year 2023-2024, and it was followed by an emotional video of her friends and family wishing her for her success ahead.

Afterward, the newly appointed board of directors was introduced to the audience.

President – Rtr. Manisha Alwis
Immediate Past President – Rtr. Lathushanan Koneswara
Vice President – Rtr. Adeesha Ovitigala
Vice President – Rtr. Dewmi Siriwardhane
Secretary – Rtr. Nivasheni Balenthiran
Treasurer – Rtr. Onelie Wijerupa
Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Kaavya Raigambandarage
Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Sulakna Weerasinghe
Sgt. At Arms – Rtr. Dinal Siriwardana
Co-Editor – Rtr. Benushi Rajapaksha
Co-Editor – Rtr. Yohan Wickramasinghe
Director Club Service – Rtr. Dinuka Dissanayake
Director Club Service – Rtr. Hashini Azees
Director Community Service – Rtr. Yasith Adithya
Director Community Service – Rtr. Chathurya Gamage
Director International Service – Rtr. Sansika Kodithuwakku
Director International Service – Rtr. Jayod Perera
Director Professional Development – Rtr. Senali Guruge
Director Professional Development – Rtr. Charith Yohan
Director Information Technology – Rtr. Themiya Alwis
Director Information Technology – Rtr. Vimeth Athukorala
Director Public Relations – Rtr. Thedith Ratnayake
Director Public Relations – Rtr. Rivin Jayasuriya
Director Sports – Rtr. Koshila Amarasinghe
Director Corporate Partnership – Rtr. Savani Ratnaweera
Director Digital Communication – Rtr. Pasindu De Silva
Director Membership Development – Rtr. Malindu LiyanageThe highlight of the evening turned out to be a glorious entertainment act performed by the board of directors that truly brought life to the audience and made the evening truly memorable. Thereafter a speech was given by guest of honor Rtr. Sumit Law where he stressed upon the fact that he was touched by Rtr. Manisha mentions the fact that their duty is to stay back and save our motherland. Finally, the event was concluded on a high note by distributing the Tokens of appreciation followed by fellow well-wishers giving felicitations congratulating the newly appointed team.

It was indeed a great delight for the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance to be part of this glorious ceremony and we would like to extend our heartiest wishes to Rtr. Manisha Alwis and her Board of Directors for a successful year ahead!

Written By: –





Rtr. Nethmi Aloka
(Co-Director of Professional Development 2023-24)

Written By: –





Rtr. Venumi Kuruppu
(Co-Director of Sports 2023-24)

Edited By: –





Rtr. Sandasi Senaratne
(Blog Team Member 2023-24)


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