12th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of SLIIT


On a serene evening at 6:40 PM, the Rotaract Club members gathered for a momentous oil lamp ceremony, marking the beginning of a night filled with reflection, recognition, and the celebration of collective achievements. The event saw participation from several Rotaract clubs, including RAC APIT, RACUOC Faculty of Arts, RACNSBM, RAC University of Sri Jayawardanapura, RAC KDU, and RAC University of Kelaniya. This gathering beautifully showcased the unity and collaborative spirit that thrives among these institutions. Highlights from the Secretary’s Report

The secretary’s report painted a vivid picture of a year filled with impactful events. Among the notable activities was the 100 Cultural Exchange Programme, a vibrant celebration that bridged cultures and fostered understanding among participants, inviting them to share their stories and traditions. Another key event was Ace the Test, aimed at equipping members with the tools they needed to excel in their academic and professional examinations. Data Decoded was a session focused on data literacy and analytics, empowering members with essential skills for the modern world. The report also featured Spookzilla, a Halloween event that blended fun with community engagement, bringing laughter and joy to all involved. Additionally, the Move Marathon promoted physical fitness and wellness, encouraging members to embrace healthier lifestyles. These events not only brought the members closer but also allowed the club to make a positive impact on the community. Awards and Recognition

The ceremony was a time to honor the outstanding members and clubs that had made significant contributions to the Rotaract movement. Awards were presented for the Most Outstanding President, Most Outstanding Club, and Most Outstanding Secretary, recognizing their dedication, leadership, and service.

The keynote speaker reminded everyone of the club’s core mission: “Rotaract is a place where we can truly make a difference for the betterment of the world”.

Outgoing President Rtr. Manisha Alwis, in her heartfelt speech, addressed the challenges faced during her tenure. She acknowledged the difficulties of leadership, stating, “The life of a president is never easy with harsh criticism. My actions and the actions of my incredible team speak for themselves. Our legacy answers every doubt and every criticism,” reflecting on the resilience and dedication that marked her presidency. Incoming President Rtr. Jayod Perera, in his address, shared the invaluable lessons he learned from his journey with Rotaract: “Rotaract taught me four things. That is to live, to love, to laugh, to learn.” In those four simple verbs lay the essence of their journey, a philosophy that would guide them through the year to come.

New Executive Committee

The introduction of the new Executive Committee was not just a formality, it was the unveiling of a dream team. Each name announced was a promise of dedication, of innovation, of service. The key positions included:

– Immediate Past President: Rtr. Manisha Alwis

– Vice President: Rtr. Vimeth Athukorala , Rtr. Yasith Adithya

– Secretary: Rtr. Charith Yohan

– Assistant Secretaries: Rtr. Dinuri Perera, Rtr. Amandi Wickramarathne

– Treasurer: Rtr. Dulasha Annasiwatta

– SGT. at Arms: Rtr. Yasith Adithya

– Editors:  Rtr. Tanuri Dissanayake, Rtr. Kavisha Yapa

– Directors of Club Service: Rtr. Ranuka Perera, Rtr. Tarini Nanayakkara

– Directors of Community Service: Rtr. Danushkar Pushparajah, Rtr. Sarah Daniel

– Directors of International Service: Rtr. Gemini Biseka, Rtr. Shameena Abdeen

– Directors of Professional Development: Rtr. Chelaka Wijesekara, Rtr. Lakshitha Karunaweera

– Director of Corporate Partnership: Theeptika Umamahesan

– Director of Finance: Rtr. Dasuni Perera

– Director of  Sports: Rtr. Kisaja Wijewardana

– Directors of Information Technology: Rtr. Muhammadhu Bishru, Rtr. Thisus Samarasekara

– Directors of Public Relations: Rtr. Muhammed Mohideen, Rtr. Shanjai Pushparaj

– Director of Membership Development: Rtr. Tehan Nimsitha

– Coordinators of PR & IT: Duwaragie Kugaraj, Harithra Karunakaran

– Coordinator Sports: Rtr. Minupa Kanaheraarachchi The event was graced by Prof. Pradeep Abeygunawardana, who served as the Chief Guest, and Rtn. Summit Law, the Guest of Honor. Prof. Abeygunawardana commended the members for their commitment to public service, stating, “If we had people like you who uplift the public well-being in our early days, we could have been better by then.”


The evening concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to upholding the values of Rotaract. As the club members look forward to another year of service, the legacy of their past achievements will undoubtedly inspire greater accomplishments.

On behalf of all of us at the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, we heartily congratulate the outgoing president, Rtr. Manisha Alwis, and her board for a job well done and making a lasting impact on our dear community, and we wish all the success to the incoming president, Rtr. Jayod Perera, and his board to experience yet another fruitful year and to take their club to even greater heights unimaginable.

Written By:





Rtr. Thaveesha Umandi Jayasinghe
(Prospect Member 2024-25)

Edited By: –





Rtr. Sumaiya Sadeek
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

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