14th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of American National College

The 14

th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of American National College was held at their College Auditorium on the 08th of September 2019 from 5 p.m onwards.

The Ceremony commenced in line with the traditional roots of lighting of the oil lamp by the dignitaries. This was followed by inviting them to the head table, the Sergeant-at-Arms calling the house to order and the conventional formalities; the Rotaract Pledge, Rotaract Invocation, 4 Way Test, Flag Salutation and the Rotaract Song.

After the Project Chairperson- Rtr. Kalindu Fernando kindly welcomed everyone, the Outgoing Secretary Rtr. Dilusha Wijesooriya delivered the Secretary’s Report for the year 2018/19 to the audience.  A video was showed afterwards showcasing the projects they had carried out within the year.

Next, the Outgoing President Rtr. IPP. Chamathka Kariyapperuma came on stage to address the audience. She remarked and appreciated everyone who assisted her throughout her journey from the beginning, especially her Board of Directors. She then proceeded to deliver Tokens of Appreciation to the Outgoing Board.

Afterwards Rtr. Avinash Fernando was collared as the Club President for the year 2019/20. Rtr. Avinash Fernando then addressed the gathering which was followed by the introduction of his Board of Directors for the year 2019/20.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for 2019/20 are as follows;

  • Immediate Past President – Chamathka Kariyapperuma
  • Vice President – Rtr. Tharindu Fernando
  • Secretary – Rtr. Mandeera Karawita
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Shanelle Jayawardene
  • Editor – Rtr. Bimshika Udugama
  • Sergeant-at-Arms – Rtr. Yugendran Jayachandran
  • Joint Club Services Directors- Rtr. Fathima Shazna and Rtr. Umaimah Naleer
  • Community Services Director – Rtr. Kasuni Bamunuarachchige
  • Joint Professional Development Directors – Rtr. Shaivi Dharmadasa and Rtr. Shannon Blessing
  • Joint International Service Directors – Rtr. Dishnuka Dahanayake and Rtr. Hitheshi Madurasinghe
  • Digital Communication Service Director – Rtr. Thevin Bandara
  • Public Relations Director – Rtr. Madusha Nilshan
  • Sports Director – Rtr. Bhanuja Samaranayake


The District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP Krishan Balaji addressed the gathering, where he spoke of the service of a Rotaractor to the society and shared a few words of advice dedicated to the newly appointed President and his Board of Directors.

Then the Chief Guest for the occasion Rtn. PP. Yukthi Gunasekara  addressed the audience and briefed about the importance of Rotary and the advantages of being a Rotaractor to the audience and concluded his speech by wishing the Board of Directors Good Luck.

The evening came to an end with the stage being opened for felicitations followed by the Vote of Thanks given by the Secretary for 2019/20, Rtr. Mandeera Karawita. In conclusion, the house was called to order for refreshments and fellowship.

It was indeed a delight for the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance (RACUOCFMF) to be part of this occasion and would like to extend its warm wishes to Rtr. Avinash Fernando and his Board of Directors for yet another successful year ahead.



Written By:

Rtr. Tishani Ranawana
( Co-Director International Service 2019/20 )

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