
Another year full of accomplishments and celebrations was the RI year 2021-22 where the club was led by President Arshad Ismail. Driving the club to excellence we were able to conduct so many impactful projects such as Gamwardhanaya, Blind Walk, Wanajeewiyo, SLAAM, Blind Walk and many more. The club awarded with many of the awards for their hardwork and dedication for their great achievements at the 32nd Rotaract District Training Assembly.

  • Most Outstanding Club of the Year
  • Most Outstanding President of the Year – Rtr. Arshad Sufi Ismail
  • Most Outstanding Secretary of the Year – Rtr. Oshadi Dias
  • Most Outstanding Annual Report (For Institute Based Clubs) – Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Club Blog- Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Newsletter – Gold Award
  • Most Innovative Club Service initiative – SLAMM’22 – Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Fundraiser in aid of Club Administration – Cheers – Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Sports Initiative Under Specific Audience – The Meet Up – Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Initiative with the Rotary Family – Blind Walk 2021 – Gold Award
  • Most Outstanding Initiative with a Rotary Club – Blind Walk 2021 – Silver Award
  • Most Outstanding Initiative in line with the Rotary Focus Area Community Economic Development – Gamwardhanaya – Silver Award
  • Most Outstanding External Partnership based Initiative – Career Expo – What next – Silver Award
  • Most Outstanding Overall Membership Development and Retention Effort (For Institute Based Clubs) – Silver Award
  • Most Outstanding Fundraiser in aid of Service – The Target – Bronze Award