20th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo

Celebrating the 20th successive year, Rotaract Club of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo was honored to hold the 20th Installation Ceremony on 28th of August at Disaster Management Center from 3pm onwards. Representing RACUOCFMF, Rtr. Gajaba Senaratne, Rtr. Samindi Weerakoon , Rtr. Anuji Chadrasekara, Rtr. Tharushi Gajanayake, Rtr. Gihini Nimthara and Rtr. Krishna Dhananjalee attended the ceremony to congratulate the upcoming board.

The ceremony began with the host for the evening welcoming the guests and the lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the dignitaries. Everyone then stood for the national anthem and the Conventional Rotaract Formalities; The Four-way Test, Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation and Rotaract Song.

Following the welcome speech by Rtr. Hasali Gunasekara and Rtr. Madura, the Outgoing Secretary, Rtr. Oshadi Thennakoon delivered the secretary’s report for the RI year 2021–22 in which she highlighted the successful projects carried out by the club during the year and thanked the board for the RI year 2021–22 and all members for making it a memorable one and for their commitment in dedicating over 80,000 voluntary hours.

Next, the Outgoing President Rtr. Pramudi Rajamanthri who is known to be the first female president of the Rotaract Club of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo was invited to share her experience in her year of presidency. She highlighted how the club has expanded during the RI year 2021-22 by various novel initiatives such as introducing a new club service team, digital presence teams, and Rotaractors of the month. Further, she extended her heartful gratitude to past presidents, past secretaries, and past board members of her club for the confidence they showed in her and for entrusting her club responsibilities.

Following that, Rtr. Ama Upeka gave a humorous and comprehensive introduction to their new president, who had just been named for the RI year 2022–23. Concluding her speech, a very attractive video of the Incoming President, Rtr. Dihan Lakthila attracted the audience’s curiosity.

Next arrived was the most awaited moment of the day, where Rtr. Dihan Lakthila was then officially appointed and collared as the president for the RI year 2022–23. Rtr. Dihan then approached the stage to say a few things about his board and the outgoing board. He also used the opportunity to thank the dignitaries and guests for joining the event. The president then introduced the executive committee and the members of his board for the RI year 2022-23 which is as follows.

President – Rtr. Dihan Lakthila
Immediate Past President – Rtr. Pramudi Rajamanthri
Vice President – Rtr. Supun Samarasinghe
Vice President – Rtr. Thimasha Weerakkody
Vice President – Rtr. Sulekha Fernando
Secretary – Rtr. Udari De Silva
Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Ama Upeka
Junior Treasurer – Rtr. Dilki Subawickrama
Sergeant At Arms – Rtr. Hiroo Gamage
Co-Editor – Rtr. Ruwangi Amarasooriya
Co-Editor – Rtr. Harith Ayodya
Co-Editor – Rtr. Jithaka Alexander
Financial Director – Yalindi Hewawasam
Membership Development Director – Rtr. Nikitha Iddagoda
Co-director of Club Service – Rtr. Hasali Gunasekara
Co-director of Club Service – Rtr. Madhura Senevirathne
Co-director of Community Service – Rtr. Lakjaya Perera
Co-director of Community Service – Rtr. Oshadha Gamarachchi
Co-director of Community Service – Rtr. Omethya Illepreuma
Co-director of Community Service – Rtr. Hirusha Munasinghe
Co-director of Environmental Service – Rtr. Nishen Malinda
Co-director of Environmental Service – Rtr. Udani Dilshika
Co-director of Professional Development – Rtr. Bihara Gamage
Co-director of Professional Development – Rtr. Bhagya Wijeratne 
Co-director of International Service – Rtr. Yowan Dias
Co-director of International Service – Rtr. Saduni Kannangara 
Co-director of Sports and Recreational Activities – Rtr. Jayavi Kuruppu
Co-director of Digital Presence – Rtr. Ruwinda Rowel
Co-director of Digital Presence – Rtr. Nilesh Fonseka
Co-director of IT – Rtr. Nipun Lakshita
Co-director of IT – Rtr. Risini Chathma
Co-director of IT – Rtr. Anjana Jayasinghe
Co-director of Public Relations – Rtr. Dulashi Chathunika
Co-director of Public Relations – Rtr. Ruchila Wijerathne
Co-director of Public Relations – Rtr. Neelya Jayasundara

After that, District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Ahamed Hussain addressed the crowd, telling every Rotaractor to have faith in their values, themselves, and their fellow Rotaractors because they can shine in any difficult situation. After that, Rtn. PP Farzana Khan, the District’s Rotaract Chair, commended the outgoing board and the leadership for serving the community and representing Rotaract for more than 80,000 hours even during the fuel crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, she spoke about the history of Rotaract in Sri Lanka, the importance of this experience for our future as well as the value of our fellowship ties.

Next up was the much-anticipated performance by Rtr. Isuru, Rtr. Rovindu, and Rtr. Yashoda, who sang for the audience’s amusement. The performance made everyone in the audience to enjoy it.

Then tokens of appreciation were given to all the dignitaries. The stage was then made available for felicitations. The amazing and fascinating event came to an end with a vote of thanks given by the Secretary for the RI year 2022–23, Rtr. Udari De Silva, followed by refreshments and continued fellowship.

It was truly an honor for the RACUOCFMF to take part in this magnificent celebration, and we would like to extend Rtr. Dihan Lakthila and his board of directors our warmest congratulations.

Written By:-
Rtr. Gihini Nimthara
(General Member – 2022-23)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Navodya Rathnasiri
(Blog Team Member 2022-23)

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