23rd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens


The 23rd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens was a monumental gathering at the CIDA Auditorium on August 25, 2024, marking a brand-new chapter in the club’s history. Joined by family and friends alike, the event celebrated the outgoing president, Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen, and her remarkable board, while also warmly welcoming the incoming president, Rtr. Shaheda Akbar, and her team, who are poised to elevate the club to even greater heights. The event commenced with the house being called to order by Sergeant-at-Arms, Rtn. PP Asfer Aslam. The traditional oil lamp ceremony took place at 3.31 pm, followed by the usual Rotaract formalities of the flag salutation and the Four Way Test announced by the outgoing president, Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen. The ceremony officially commenced with the calling of the house to order, also done by Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen. Senior Rtrs. Lihansa Edirisinghe and Senumee Herath, joined by prospective members Sheneli Pelpola and Lakshini Haturusinghe, attended this ceremony to proudly represent the FMFers on this joyful occasion. The welcoming speech, which set a warm and lighthearted ambience, welcoming and thanking all those in attendance for being there for the 23rd Installation Ceremony, was followed by the Secretary Report addressed by the outgoing joint secretaries, Rtr. Bilal Zufar and Rtr. Jumail Jawzaky, proudly announcing the club’s great achievements for the year 2023-2024, “Progress with Persistence,” under the leadership of outgoing president Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen, which saw the successful completion of 37 projects, hitting 5000+ volunteer hours and 100+ events all while staying true to the Sustainability Development Goals. This was proven by some of the significant projects conducted by them, such as “Waves of Change,” which saw the cleansing of Dehiwala and Wellawatte beaches by pulling out a whopping 201 kg of waste, and “Project 24/7,” which committed to bringing about sustainable solutions around the clock by growing and nurturing plants, which were done with the joint initiative with other clubs. The club’s acts of service did not limit to this as they also focused on community service through projects such as “Apeksha Dawasak,” which was a Shramadhana campaign conducted at the Maharagama Apeksha Cancer Hospital in which dry ration care packages were donated and a cleaning of the hospital wards and beds, carried out by the club’s own selfless members to provide a clean, safe, and supportive environment to the patients in need. They received several awards and recognitions, such as winning gold for “Most Aspirational Club,” “Best Initiative with the Rotaract Family,” and silver for “Most Supportive Club,” and “District Citation,” acknowledging the club going above and beyond when giving back to the community and upholding the values of ‘Service above self’. While serving their community, they did not forget to have a moment of fun for themselves. Exciting events such as “CreepFest 23,”  a music-filled show with a spooky Halloween theme that turned out to be, as quoted, a “SweatFest,” due to unexpected numbers sandwiched together with the bare cooling of ACs, had their audience chanting and screaming on the tips of their toes, vibing to the music and the haunted houses, which ended in a fun and unforgettable night for all. Outgoing president Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen took the stage one last time, her words echoing through the room in a tearful yet graceful farewell. She took the time to address and express her deepest appreciation to her fellow committee members and board directors, whose support was a pillar of strength; past Rotaract presidents for their generous guidance and faith; and most importantly, her family, for sacrificing their time and providing her with the emotional support she needed. The emotions were raw and heightened as she expressed the numerous challenges that she faced when she assumed her new role as president, the biggest being the lack of faith of certain members in her capability of performing as president and the lack of members to keep the club going, all of which she strived through, with her head held high and staying true to what Rotaract means and unwaveringly carrying out her role as president successfully, which was evident from their exceptional achievements and awards to back it up. “We have far more bigger supporters in life than haters.”  “Never go to a position where you have to kneel or make friendships to get recognition or awards because it is not worth it. Lead with heart and everything else will come to  you.” Two beautiful advices given by Rtr. Mishkaa Hallalden to her successor, Rtr. Shaheda Akbar, and her audience, which showed an example of the noble and humble way in which she carried out her duties, were an inspiring message to all of us. The highlight of the ceremony and the reason for the existence of this event was when Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen passed on her role by collaring the new incoming president of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens for the years 2024–25, Rtr. Shaheda Akbar. She then addressed the audience, expressing her pride in assuming her new role as the 23rd President of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens, and acknowledged the remarkable efforts of the outgoing president and board, the past presidents for laying the brickwork and paving the way, and finally her parents for their undying support, all with a cheerful smile and demure stance. She shared her sentiments of the shy girl that first joined the club with amateur excitement with the now more confident person that sees Rotaract as not just a hobby but a place to make a difference in the world, one community project at a time. She praised her club’s tireless work and team effort over the years in keeping the club thriving, stating, ‘It takes heart, and if anyone has heart, it’s the Kurunduwatte Family.” She ended her speech with a positive motto for the year, ‘Leading with heart and serving with purpose’ and on the notion that anything is possible when we are together and with an earnest promise to do right by the club and be truly committed to carry out impactful service with continuous improvement. She then went on to introduce her new board of directors, whom she assured would uphold the standards and values of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens. Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2024-25 are as follows:

President: Rtr. Shaheda Akbar

Immediate Past President: Rtr. IPP. Mishkaa Hallaldeen

Vice Presidents: Rtr. Sakeenah Ameen and Rtr. Zahraf Feroze

Joint Secretaries: Rtr. Mohamed Ahqem and Rtr. Rushaida Huzair

Treasurer: Rtr. Rihaya Ameen

Sergeant-at-Arms: Rtr. Ahamed Nazeem

Editors: Rtr. Bilal Zufar and Rtr. Safiy Sihan

Club Service Directors: Rtr. Ilham Asmone and Rtr. Thakshila Warnakula

Community Service Directors: Rtr. Rayyan Rushdhi and Rtr. Rumira Piyasiri

Professional Development Director, Rtr. Apoorva Suraweera

International Service Director: Rtr. Hafsha Ishan

Sports and Recreational Directors: Rtr. Akmal Azeez and Rtr. Rimaza Ruwaz

Public Relations Directors: Rtr. Dinsara Hettihewa and Rtr. Reshma Nizam

Finance Director: Rtr. Dinadi Himansa

Rotary Interact Coordinator: Rtn. Rtr. PP Asfer Aslam The incoming president’s speech was followed by the District Rotaract Representative, PHF. Rtr. Past President. Shanel Mendis taking the stage. He congratulated immediate past president Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen and her board for a job well done in the past year in truly impacting society and the Rotaract Community. He praised the outgoing board for paying homage to the foundation of Rotaract, which is service to the community, and even though it was the end of their leadership, it did not mean the end of their journey in the club and that the continuation of their services was vital to the club’s growth. He voiced out the challenge of selecting the right kind of people for the club who could make a real difference in the community and focusing on retaining them, emphasizing ‘Quality over Quantity’ all the while not forgetting to view the Rotaract experience as something enjoyable and memorable and not stressful and to always have fellowship in the moment. He also spoke of the legacy left behind by the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens, where it has produced many Rotaractors, including district officials, and asked for everyone’s cooperation and support in continuing this legacy. He ended his speech by wishing the incoming Executive Committee and Board of Directors all the very best for a fruitful year and ensuring that help is always at hand when needed. After his speech, special gratitude was extended to their benefactors, Rayyan Solar Enterprise and REM Solar, without whom this event would not have come to fruition. Next to take the stage was the Guest of Honor, Assistant District Rotaract Chair Rtn. Rtr.PP Nimesha Jayamanne. She shared her perspective that even though one joins Rotaract initially for the purpose of gaining fun and entertainment, the reason for persisting in the club is due to the lifelong friendships that you are able to forge, which was also the reason she remained in the club. “Friendship is a great foundation for service, and service is a great foundation for friendship,” quoted by Rtn. Rtr. PP. Nimesha Jayamanne, was used to admire the close-knit family that was the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens, and the awards and recognitions they received in the past year were a testament to the great feats they were able to accomplish owing to their beautiful kinship. She ended her speech by congratulating both the outgoing president and her board for the completion of yet another successful year and for the appointment of the incoming president and her board.

The last to address the audience was none other than the Chief Guest, President Rotarian Dulani Nissanka. Her speech, both awe inspiring and mind-opening, began with commending the remarkable work done by Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen and her board in the past year and shared her mutual understanding of facing challenges, which is not only limited to the club but can be witnessed in any running organization and life alike, and that challenges, if faced bravely, would pave the way for doing much better, which is exactly what the outgoing board had done that was visible from the numerous accolades the club received, despite the many emotional obstacles they had to endure. The main purpose of what Rotaract really is—service to the community and making a big impact on society—should be done from the heart and not just as a necessity for ticking boxes with the aim of receiving recognition. “If you do things right, awards will come your way. Having synergy is what will help us create a much bigger contribution to the people that need our help the most than if we were to work alone. Rotaract is a family.”  These words uttered by her cemented the very purpose and strength of Rotaract clubs everywhere, and that is friendship, camaraderie, and solidarity. She concluded her speech by wishing the very best for the incoming president and her team, encouraging them to do their best for the community in which opportunities to do so are innumerable as Sri Lanka is currently facing very trying times, and urging them to “work hard, play hard, and leave a legacy when passing the club to their successors.”. Concluding the ceremony on a happy and hopeful note, tokens of appreciation were handed over to all present dignitaries, and fellow guest Rotaract clubs, including our own, were called upon to give their felicitations, and the evening came to an end with the serving of refreshments. “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” This beautiful quote by Hellen Keller describes the great revelation we had at the end of this festive evening. We express our heartfelt gratitude for allowing us to be a part of this joyous occasion and honor at having represented the RACUOCFMF in this event. On behalf of all of us at the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, we heartily congratulate the outgoing president, Rtr. Mishkaa Hallaldeen, and her board for a job well done and making a lasting impact on our dear community, and we wish all the success to the incoming president, Rtr. Shaheda Akbar, and her board to experience yet another fruitful year and to take their club to even greater heights unimaginable. The 23rd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Cinnamon Gardens was a jubilation of the accomplishments and great feats achieved through the club’s teamwork over the past years and a solemn prayer of hope for a brighter future ahead in the upcoming years. 

Written By:





Rtr. Lakshini Haturusinghe
(Prospect Member 2024-25)

Edited By: –





Rtr. Sumaiya Sadeek
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

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