27th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Colombo North

The 27th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract club of Colombo North for the year 2018/19 was held on the 15th of July 2018 from 4.00 pm onwards at the Light House, Lakshman Kadiragamar Institute. The registrations started at 3.00 pm and Rtr. Ayesha Samarathunga represented our club. 

The ceremony commenced with the arrival of the Chief Guest Rtn. PHF Dr. Locana Gunaratna, President of the Rotary Club of Colombo North (2018/19) and other dignitaries. 

After the lighting of the oil lamp by the dignitaries, they were invited to the head table, followed by the calling to order of the installation by the Outgoing President, singing of the National Anthem, Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, the Four Way Test and the Rotaract Song. The gathering was then warmly welcomed by the Project Chairperson Rtr. Nadeeshani Karandana.

Next on the agenda was the Secretary’s report for the year 2017/18, by the Secretary Rtr. Shamrina Carim, in which she mentioned about the projects that were successfully completed during the year. This was followed by a short video which highlighted the achievements, events and the projects undertaken by the club during the past year.

The audience was then addressed by the President for the year 2017/18, Rtr. Ahamed Hussain. He began his speech mentioning the projects which were successfully completed, followed by thanking almost all the individuals who helped him in his Rotaract career, by joining as a member to finally being the President of this amazing movement.

The President for the term 2018/19 Rtr. Ahmed Zeeshaan was then introduced by Rtr. IPP Ahamed Hussain, along with an in interesting video clip. Then the President for the year 2018/19 Rtr. Ahmed Zeeshaan was collared and officially handed over the responsibilities of the club by the Outgoing President.

  • President – Rtr. Ahmed Zeeshaan
  • Vice President – Rtr. Nabeel Saldeen
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Arith Fernando
  • Secretary – Rtr. Keshini Jesuthasan
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Dharshitha Fonseka
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Shazra Zubair
  • Sergeant-At-Arms- Rtr. Mohamed Faraz
  • Club Service and Public Relations Director – Rtr. Nadeeshani Karandana
  • Community Service Co-Director – Rtr. Devmini Weerasuriya
  • Community Service Co-Director – Rtr. Christian Darek Perera
  • International Service Director – Rtr. Ashhad Sameer
  • Finance Director – Rtr. Shamrina Carim
  • Finance Director – Rtr. Roshane Jayampathy
  • Professional Development and Human Resource Development Director – Rtr. Hashendra Dunuwille
  • Rotaract and Interact Coordinator – Rtr. Lafraan Lahir
  • Cluster Coordinator – Rtr. Abdul Muizz

Next on the agenda was the address by the District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Past President Amjad Yousuf. He mentioned the importance of the club and their membership to the district. He also appreciated and congratulated the Rotaract Club of Colombo North for all the amazing work they have done through their projects. Then he congratulated the Immediate Past President Rtr. Ahamed Hussain for successfully completing the past year and wished the incoming President Rtr. Ahmed Zeeshaan and his Board for the upcoming year. He extended his gratitude for the Parent Rotary Club and the parents of the Rotaractors for their immense support.

District Rotaract Committee Chair Rtn. PHF Sathiyendra Tharmakularasingham then addressed the gathering, emphasizing that the upcoming year will be very challenging for the club, as the DRR himself is a Past President of the Club.

Then the gathering was addressed by the District Youth Services Chairperson, Rtn. PHF. PP. G.S. Sylvester. He mentioned his experience working with youth, highlighting about RYLA held in the year 2016. Then the gathering was addressed by Mr. Inaam Kuthubdeen, Director – Marketing, Edulink International Campus – Colombo who was the Platinum Sponsor of the event. 

Next, the introduction and the addressing of the Chief Guest for the day, Rtn. PHF. Dr. Locana Gunaratna was followed by awarding tokens for the dignitaries, District Guide Club Coordinator, Rtr. IPP. Akhila Adhishwara, Immediate Past District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP. Anuradha Senanayake and a surprise token of appreciation to Rtr. IPP. Ahamed Hussain. Then the floor was open for Felicitations.

To mark the end of the Installation Ceremony, the vote of thanks was delivered by the Secretary for the year 2018/19 Rtr. Keshini Jesuthasan. Then the ceremony was terminated and the attendees gathered for refreshments and fellowship.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance extends its best wishes to Rtr. Ahmed Zeeshaan and his Board of Directors for a successful and a fantastic year ahead.

Written by:

Rtr. Ayesha Samarathunga
Vice President (2018/2019)
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