Rotaract Club of Colombo Heritage celebrated its 2nd Installation ceremony on 26th September from 2.00 p.m. via Facebook live.
To commence the formal proceedings of the ceremony, Rtr. Husail Hameed, the president of the Club, called the ceremony to order. Following the national anthem, Rtr. Nethera Hikkaduwa started off the event with the formalities following the Flag salutation, Rotaract invocation, Four-way test and the Rotaract song.
Next, Rtr. Ramath Rubera warmly welcomed the gathering; along with that, the Secretary’s Report for the year 2020-21 was presented by the two Outgoing Secretaries Rtr. Buddvi Senadheera and Rtr. Michelle Jackson. It was evident that the past year was a momentous year for the Rotaract Club of Colombo Heritage in which they managed to successfully initiate and complete worthy and impactful projects such as LOCKDOWN TALKS, DECEMBER TO REMEMBER, SUPER CHARADES, TAKING THE NEXT STEP, ROTARACT 360, D- ADDICTION, FOODIE කතා, ජන සවිය. Then the secretaries extended their heartfelt gratitude to everyone who supported them throughout the year.
Thereupon, Outgoing President Rtr. Kasun Ranathunga introduced the incoming president Rtr. Husail Hameed to the audience and his journey as interactor as well as the Rotaractor. Further, he expressed his gratitude for the club members and congratulated the incoming president and board.
After that, president, Rtr. Husail Hameed addressed the gathering in which he highlighted the power of an individual.
“A single man’s vision can change the whole world around us.”
The president presented that “striving towards the sustainable tomorrow” will be the theme for his presidency year and briefly stated their plans. Furthermore, Rtr. Husail extended his heartfelt thanks to all individuals who supported him and those who supported making the ceremony a success.
Next on the agenda, the most anticipated moment of the evening arrived as the president introduced the executive committee and the board of directors for the year 2021-22 by an amazing video.
The Executive Committee members and Board of Directors for the year 2021-22
- President – Rtr. Husail Hameed
- Chief Advisor To The President – Rtr. Kasun Ranatunga
- Vice President – Rtr. Shenaal Chandiram
- Joint Secretary – Rtr. Buddvi Senadheera
- Joint Secretary – Rtr. Michelle Jackson
- Treasurer- Rtr. Shenella Karunaratne
- Treasurer/ Club Service Director – Rtr. Ramath Rubera
- Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Diyon Jackson
- Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Ieashaan Mahath
- Editor – Rtr. Stefan Alexander
- Community Service Director – Rtr. Dilsha Abeysena
- Community Service Director – Rtr. Kethani Hettiarachchi
- International Service Director – Rtr. Manilshan De Silva
- International Service Director – Rtr. Bimsara Ranathunga
- Professional Development Director – Rtr. Nicholas Alexander
- Public Relations Director – Rtr. Vanessa Alexander
- Public Relations Director -Rtr. Abhitha Silva
- Sports And Recreation Director – Rtr. Shehan Ratnayake
- Sports And Recreation Director – Rtr. Heshma Badoordeen
- Environmental Service Director – Rtr. Ashwini Paul
After the District Rotaract representative Rtn. Rtr. PP. Akhila Wijetunga addressed the gathering, and he appreciated the excellent work of the Club throughout the pandemic. Further, he emphasized that the beauty of the Rotaractors is that,
“We do not give up things because it is challenging. Rotaractors always accept the challenges and complete them successfully”.
Those words reflected his outstanding leadership. Eventually, he advised, even if the time would be tuff, to keep encouraging, empowering, and enabling members of the Club and the community as Rotaractors.
Afterwards, the gathering was addressed by District Rotaract Chair Rtn. Marshad Barry where he started off by pointing out the nature and the role of Rotaractors. Also, he added his heartiest wishes for the president and the board for a successful Rotaract year.
Then the keynote speaker for the evening, Mr. S. Renganathan addressed the gathering. At the end of his speech, he quoted a statement by Mahathma Gandhi to show the importance of learning.
“Live as you are to die tomorrow but learn as if you are to live forever.”
Accordingly, the chief guest for the evening Rtn. Manjula Ratnasekara, the President Rotary Club of Colombo Heritage for the year 2021-22, addressed the gathering by appreciating the great projects that the Club did.
At the end of the ceremony, the floor was opened for felicitations, and there were many more greetings from other Rotaract Clubs.
Finally, the ceremonial proceedings came to a closure with the vote of thanks delivered by the Joint Secretaries, Rtr. Buddvi Senadheera and Rtr. Michelle Jackson.
Despite the many challenges, the Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Heritage for the Rotaract year 2012-22 ended with many wishes and love, showing unstoppability.
We, Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and finance (RACUOCFMF), would like to extend our best wishes to the president and the entire team for a brilliant year ahead.

Written By:-
Rtr. Amali Senadira
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Githma De Silva
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)