The 2nd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus was held on the 31st of October at the KCM auditorium, Horizon Campus from 6.30 pm onwards. The occasion was graced by the Guest of honor Prof. S.J.B.A Jayasekara Vice Chancellor of Horizon Campus, District Rotaract Representative Rotaractor Rtr. PP. Sathma Jayasinghe and the chief guest President of the Rotary Club of PanColombo Rtn. Pirrasanth Jegatheesan. Rtr. Kemini Suriyage was present to witness this memorial ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus representing RACUOCFMF.The installation ceremony launched with the House called to order by the Sergent at Arms, Rtr. Lakmal. The traditional oil lamp ceremony commenced at 7 pm followed by the national anthem and the rotary formalities. Afterward, the secretary report for the years 2022/2023 was presented by the outgoing joint secretaries Rtr. Vihara Somachandra and Rtr. Sanjani Dissanayake. The report showcased 6 major projects they implemented in their first year and how these projects helped to give an understanding of the club to the new members. Next, the outgoing president, Rtr. Hiruni Hettiarachchi spoke about her experience of being the very first President of the Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus and how she faced her challenges successfully. She emphasized how her club members helped her to carry on her duties when she wasn’t present at the university due to her job and that the success of the club is due to the cooperative effort of all the members. She expressed her gratitude to her mentors for their loving guidance and to the members for their untiring commitment and dedication.
Thereafter, the most awaited moment of the ceremony, the collaring of the new president of the Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus took place. Rtr. Ishini Wijerathna then addressed the gathering for the first time as the president for the years 2023/2024. She expressed her gratitude to the outgoing president and the board of directors for the generous support given. Further, she added that she hopes to take the club further towards progress with the assistance of her newly appointed board of directors. Afterward, the letters of appointment were given to the newly appointed board of directors.
Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2023-24 are as follows.
President – Rtr. Ishini Wijerathna
Immediate Past President – Rtr. Hiruni Hettiarachchi
Vice President – Rtr. Asvida Besuru
Vice President – Rtr. Sanjani Dissanayake
Vice President – Rtr. Pahan Wickramathilaka
Joint Secretary – Rtr. Reeshman Shafa
Joint Secretary – Rtr. Kaveesha Kodagoda
Joint Treasurer – Rtr. Himesh Kavinda
Joint Treasurer – Rtr. Saduni Alahakon
Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. B.A.K Lakmal
Editor – Rtr. Udesha Wijewardana
Sub Editor – Rtr. Ranushi Senanayake
Sub Editor – Rtr. Amantha Gimhan
Staff Advisor – Rtr. Danushika Nayomi
Co-Director Club Service – Rtr. Yonal Punchihewa
Co-Director Club Service – Rtr. Kaveesha Nethmini
Co-Director Community Service – Rtr. Nethmi Perera
Co-Director Community Service – Rtr. Himash Abilasha
Co-Director International Service – Rtr. Rushani Mahawaththa
Co-Director International Service – Rtr. Keshini Savindi
Co-Director Professional Development– Rtr. Chandima Amadoru
Co-Director Professional Development – Rtr. Chamudi Kavindya
Co-Director Public Relations – Rtr. Hiruni Jayathilaka
Co-Director Public Relations – Rtr. Jayani Wasana
Co-Director Finance – Rtr. Hanshani Kalahasani
Co-Director Finance – Rtr. Tharushan Gunawardane
Co-Director sports – Rtr. Avishka Harshamal
Co-Director Sports – Rtr. Damikshan
CO-Director IT – Rtr. Pasindu Viduranga
CO-Director IT – Rtr. Rashmitha LiyanageThereafter, the District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP Sathma Jayasinghe addressed the gathering, she emphasized the fact that “Rotaract is a system where we do things by ourselves for ourselves” and we are all going through the same struggles and what’s important despite these challenges, is that we support one another. Thereafter she congratulated Rtr. Hiruni and her board of directors for initiating and completing a successful chapter and stepping into the Rotaract world which is not an easy task. Finally, she wished all the very best to the newly appointed president and the board of directors in strengthening the built roots of the club.
Afterwards, the guest of honor Prof. S.J.B.A Jayasekara Vice Chancellor of Horizon Campus addressed the gathering, stating to continue the good deeds even after leaving the university, to the society, and to maintain the discipline which is inculcated. Next, the chief guest Rtn. Pirrasanth Jegatheesan addressed the gathering, he emphasized the fact that “Change is not done if we wait for another person to start but instead, we should bring the change.” Then he congratulated the outgoing board for their achievements obtained within a short period. He stated how being in the rotary movement has changed him as a person in a better way. Further, he added that the Rotary Club of PanColombo will always be there to support, and guide the Rotaract Club of Horizon Campus and encourage them to do joint projects together.
Finally, the felicitations were given out by the members of the other Rotaract clubs, and a musical item was presented by the members of the Rotaract club of Horizon Campus. Thereafter the event wrapped up with refreshments and continued fellowship.
The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance hereby would love to convey our warmest wishes to the newly appointed President Rtr. Ishini Wijerathna along with her Executive committee and the Board of Directors for a successful year ahead!
Written By: –
Rtr. Kemini Roshini Suriyage
(General Member 2023-24)
Edited By: –
Rtr. Sandasi Senaratne
(Blog Team Member 2023-24)