2nd Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of UCSC


Marking the beginning of a new chapter in their journey, The Rotaract Club of UCSC was back with its 2nd Installation Ceremony which commenced with the tradition of lighting the oil lamp on the 22nd of November 2023 from 6 p.m. onwards, it lasted for 2 hours at Gap HQ Auditorium. Rtr. Manisha Selvanayagam, Rtr. Safiya Siyanudeen, Rtr. Shimra Shamil, Rtr. Miedhushana Jothirajah, Rtr. Deandra Rosayro, Rtr. Pamoshi Hewawasam and Rtr. Hiranya De Silva joined in this celebration representing RACUOCFMF at this memorable event. The Installation Ceremony began with the house called to order by the Sergeant at Arms Rtr. Mohamed Ashfak. Afterward, everyone stood for the National anthem and Rotaract song.

Next up, the gathering was addressed by the Project chairperson Rtr. Vidhara Ranujee for the installation ceremony. Following the cordial welcome of all who joined the ceremony, the secretary’s report for the RI year 2022-23 was virtually presented by the Outgoing Secretary Rtr. Tolusha Harindi. The report was presented with malicious details about the club’s remarkable achievements over the past year. She revisited the milestones achieved, encompassing 25 projects across various avenues with 4500 volunteer hours. Some noteworthy projects mentioned were namely Beach Cleanup, Tech Trail Blazer 23, Blood donation camp “Hopeful Hearts”, Turtle’s Trials, and many others. She extended her warm wishes to the newly appointed board of directors for a successful and rewarding journey ahead.Next, Outgoing President Rtr. Lavinka Weerasekara addressed the gathering, expressing her sincere gratitude to all who were part of her incredible journey. She concluded her speech by leaving a beautiful message to all the Rotaractors. Eventually, she signed off as the outgoing president congratulating Rtr. Adeepa Bandara and his team. Rtr. Lavinka Weerasekara gracefully collared the incoming president and handed over the responsibilities of the club. From that instance Rtr. Adeepa Bandara was officially the president of RACUCSC for the Rotaract Year 2023 – 2024.Next lined up in the agenda was a speech by the newly Inaugurated President Rtr. Adeepa Bandara. He expressed his gratitude towards the Past President Rtr. Lavinka Weerasekara for guiding them through the ups and downs in their charter year. He acknowledged the tremendous responsibility on his shoulders to uphold the standards and the recognition set in their charter year. He took the opportunity to highlight his vision stating, “To foster a community where service is not just a duty but a way to life and aims to inspire and lead with commitment towards excellency, innovation and inclusivity”.The ceremony then proceeded towards the highlight of the evening to introduce the executive committee and the Board of directors for the year 2023-24 as given below:

President – Rtr. Adeepa Bandara
Immediate past president – Rtr. Lavinka Weerasekara
Vice president – Rtr. Dithmeena Egodagamage
Vice president – Rtr. Chandana Polgampala
Secretary – Rtr. Dilan Thenuwara
Assistant SecretarY – Rtr. Venuri Abeysekara
Assistant SecretarY – Rtr. Vidhara Ranujee
Treasurer – Rtr. Thimira Galahitiyawa
Sergeant at arms – Rtr. Mohamed Ashfak
Co-Editor – Rtr. Nisura Indisa
Co-Editor– Rtr. Dewmini Liyanawatte
Co-Editor – Rtr. Danujaya Liyanage
Club Service Co-Director – Rtr. Dilki sewwandi
Club Service Co-Director – Rtr. Inuka weerasekara
Community service Co–Director – Rtr. Sathira Gardihewa
Community Service Co–Director – Rtr. Tharushka Madusara
Professional Development Co–Director – Rtr. Radiyah Hassan
Professional Development Co–Director – Rtr. Aadhila Ramzan
International Service Co–Director –Rtr. Dhananjana Rathnayake
International Service Co-Director – Rtr. Nipuni Krishnaina
Public Relations Co-Director – Rtr. Liviru Samarawickrama
Public Relations Co–Director – Rtr. Waruna Parakckrama
Sports and Recreational Service Co–Director – Rtr. Deshan Perera
Sports and Recreational Service Co-Director – Rtr. Ravien Dalpatadu
Environmental Service Co-Director – Rtr. Sachin Umayangana
Environmental Service Co-Director – Rtr. Nimesha Lakshani
Finance Co-Director – Rtr. Chethiya Wanigarathne
Finance Co-Director – Rtr. Lahiru SandaruwanAchieving another milestone, the inauguration of the club’s newsletter “Synergy” took place which was launched by the District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP. Sathma Jayasinghe and Rtr. Adeepa Bandara. A speech by Rtr. PP. Sathma Jayasinghe followed. She commenced her speech by complimenting the effort taken by the past President and her board for laying the foundation and she also emphasized the fact that it is the duty of the incoming board and the President to strengthen this foundation amidst the difficulties they could face in the future. She expressed her heartiest wishes to the President and his team. Next was a speech by the District Rotaract Chair Rtn. Sohan Perera. He stressed the point “To not just be a project-based club but also to have fun” because he is a firm believer in having fun and he extended his warm wishes to the past president and her board as well as the incoming president and his board.

Following up was the address by the Chief Guest, President of the Rotary Club of Colombo Downtown Rtn. Samiru Muthugama. He brought to attention what an individual could acquire by being part of a Rotaract Club by simultaneously adding value to society. Finally, he concluded by stating “Being a Rotaractor is one of the best choices you all have taken, to be part of a worldwide movement resulting to broaden an individual’s network, engage in fun activities and also to add value to the society”.With all the proceeding coming to an end it was time to bring the audience’s attention to the melodies of three vocalists. Starting with the song “Kiri Kodu Hithata” led to encaptivating the audience and was a treat to listen to. The stage was then open for felicitations by the fellow clubs. Rtr. Safiya Siyanudeen conveyed her wishes on behalf of RACUOCFMF. The day concluded with the presenting tokens of appreciation by the President of the club Rtr. Adeepa Bandara to the dignitaries followed by a vote of thanks by Rtr. Dilan Thenuwara thanked all who had contributed to making the day a success and thanked all dignitaries and participants for being part of their special day.

Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance takes immense pleasure in conveying their heartiest wishes to the incoming president Rtr. Adeepa Bandara and his board of directors to do great things in the future and to achieve even greater milestones.

Written By:





Rtr. Shimra Shamil
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Written By:





Rtr. Deandra Rosayro
(General Member 2023-24)

Edited By:





Rtr. Sandasi Senaratne
(Blog Team Member 2023-24)

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