5th Installation Ceremony of Saegis Campus

The official proceedings of the 5th Installation Ceremony of Saegis Campus commenced with the lightning of the traditional oil lamp. Following that, the house was called to order by Rtr. IPP Chenuli Karunasena once the dignitaries took their respective seats at the head table. Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, and the Rotary Four-Way Test were then continued, which was followed by the Rotaract Song. Afterwards, the Outgoing Secretary, Rtr. Michelle Andrea addressed the gathering and presented the Secretary’s Report for the RI year 2021-22 which contained the significant and wonderful projects executed throughout the year. He also shared the cherished moments and memorable photographs from each project of the past year, on the screen.

Then, the Outgoing President Rtr. Chenuli Karunasena addressed the gathering and shared her wonderful experiences about the past year while extending her sincere gratitude to all those who supported in making the club where it stands today. Further, she conveyed her wishes to the Incoming President Rtr. Mohomed Azeem and his team for a successful year ahead.

Up next, Rtr. Terrence Michael introduced the Incoming President, Rtr. Mohomed Azeem. He also mentioned how strong leadership skills he possesses while emphasizing his innate abilities, dedication, hard work and competency in managing people.

Following that, the most awaited moment of the ceremony took place, which is the collaring of the Incoming President  of Rotaract Club of Saegis Campus, Rtr. Mohomed Azeem. Then he addressed the gathering while mentioning how privileged he feels for becoming the President for this RI year and next he introduced his Executive Board and the Board of Directors for the RI year 2022-23.

The Executive committee and Board of Directors for the RI year 2022-23 as follows.

President – Rtr. Mohomed Azeem
Immediate Past President – Rtr. Chenuli Karunasena
Vice President – Rtr. Asitha Weerasinghe 
Secretary – Rtr. Michelle Andrea 
Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Jeramine Alexander 
Treasurer – Rtr. Tharushi Piyarathna 
Assistant Treasurer – Rtr. Vinuli Disara 
Sergeant at arms – Rtr. Ruwantha Ranasinghe
Chief Editor – Rtr. Mohomed Bilal
Co – Editor – Rtr. Dinusha Roshini
Co – Editor – Rtr. Kaveen Madhawa
Co – Editor – Rtr. Apsara Prabodini
Co – Director Community Service – Rtr. Dilan Madushanka
Co – Director Community Service – Rtr. Gishan Buddhika
Co – Director Club Service – Rtr. Viruni Thimaya
Co – Director Club Service – Rtr. Siththi Rameesha
Co – Director Environment Service – Rtr. Hirushani Harshamali
Co – Director Environment Service – Rtr. Ishara Anusarani
IT Director – Rtr. Eran Adithya
Public Relation Director – Rtr. Chelaka Bandara
Finance Director – Rtr. Heshan Malinda
International Service Director – Rtr. Veronica Senarathna
Professional Development Director – Rtr. Yadhishka Nirodhine
Membership Development Director – Rtr. Thathsaranai Nishadani
Partnership Director – Rtr. Sahasrajee Kumarapperuma
Sports and Recreational Director – Rtr. Pasindu Deshitha

Next up was the speech by the District Rotaract Representative, Rtn. Rtr. PP Ahamed Hussain, where he wished the newly appointed board a fabulous year. 

Tokens of appreciation were presented to dignitaries who graced the occasion and then the floor was opened for felicitations where Rotaractors of all clubs who participated that day congratulated the outgoing board on a tremendous job done and added well wishes to the incoming board of the upcoming year.

The 5th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Saegis Campus came to a closure with the vote of thanks being delivered by the Secretary for the year 2022-23, Rtr. Michelle Andrea. Finally, the exceptional and entertaining occasion was concluded with refreshments and continued fellowship.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance would love to convey their heartfelt wishes to the Incoming President Rtr. Mohomed Azeem and his Board of Directors to continue their marvelous job of making lives better and days brighter again for another year and more!

Written By:-
Rtr. Raveesha Munasinghe
(Co-Director – Finance – 2022-23)

Written By:-
Rtr. Mindya Pravindi
(Co-Director – Public Relations – 2022-23)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Navodya Rathnasiri
(Blog Team Member 2022-23)

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