7th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Centennial United

The 7th installation ceremony of
President Rtr. PHF Nuzrath Benazir Farouk and her board of directors of
Rotaract Club Of Centennial United (RCCU) was held on the 24th July
at Colombo city Hotel. Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb and Rtr. Devmini Weerasuriya attended
the ceremony on behalf of our club.
The event commenced with the arrival of the chief
guests and other dignitaries. The chief guest for the evening was Rtn. Kausha
Kalpage, President of Rotary Club of Colombo Centennial and the guest of honour
was Rtn. P.P Marshad Barry, District Rotaract Committee Chair 2013/14 .The
house was called to order soon after the lighting of the oil lamp, flag
salutaion, Rotaract invocation and the Rotaract song.
The welcome address was done by Rtr. Baghya Bandara,
Assistant Secretary of the new board and was followed up with the Secretary’s
report for the year 2014/2015 which was presented as a creative video clip
including a collection of photographs of the main projects the club had carried
out during their term.
As per the agenda Rtr. PHF. Darini Sahadewan, the
outgoing President of the club addressed the gathering and in her speech she
pointed out that the club has carried out several successful noteworthy
projects during its short history and she thanked the outgoing board for the
immense support given in achieving the set targets for the past year. She went
on to describe about the innovative gala charity event they organised,
“Sparkling Glory” in raising funds to organize community service projects in
aid of displaced persons and differently able children. She then distributed
tokens of appreciation to her board and the members of the club for supporting
her in every aspect during her term as President.  Her next task was to
introduce the new President. She gave a long and heart touching introduction
and officially handed over the responsibilities and duties of the post to the
new President for the year 2015/2016, Rtr. PHF Nuzrath Farouk.  Then it
was her turn to address the gathering as the President of the RCCU.
The new President’s speech emphasised that this year
RCCU will concentrate more on peace building through diversity. She explained
the ultimate theme of the club being “let’s scatter the light of hope”, they
thrive to achieve ever lasting peace through avenues of Rotaract services to
benefit people of different ethnicities living in the society. She then humbly
invited her fellow Rotaractors to support her in taking their club to greater
Next the new board was introduced and each board
member was officially handed over with their responsibilities by their new
President. The board of RCCU for the year 2015/2016 is as follows;
 Rtr. PHF. Nuzrath Benazir Farouk
Vice President – Rtr.
Suchithe Malawikankanamge
Secretary- Rtr.PHF.
Brintha Mathavasunderam
Treasurer – Rtr.
Elalshinnia Vimalendran
Sargent at arms – Rtr.
Lahiru Abeyrathne
Editor and Retract and Interact
Coordinator – 
Rtr. P.P Chamal Weerakkody
Rotaract and Rotary Coordinator 
Rtr. P.P Isuru Samarawickrama
Assistant Secretary – Rtr.
PHF. Baghya Bandara
Director Public Relations – Rtr.
Roshan Ganeshalingam
Director Club Service 
 Rtr. Nathaash Wishwa
Director Community service 
Rtr. Shihan Hansiff
Director Professional Development 
Rtr. Jagathkumar Manotharan
Director International Understanding –
Rtr. Fahama Shahabdeen
Director Finance and IT 
Rtr. Sangha Jayanithy
Next up was an entertainment item which was
performed by 3 guitarists and was followed by the speech of DRR Rtr. PP. PHF.
T. Sathiyaeandra  Tharmakularajasingham, where he appreciated the projects
RCCU had produced during their short history, he congratulated the new
President and further went on to say that he is awaiting to see project
‘Sparkling Glory’ back again this year with more colour and force surrounding
 The gathering was next addressed by DRCC
2015/16 Rtn. P.P Saifu Adamaly who explained about what we gain from being a
Rotaractor, and he said that Rotaract is a wonderful platform to display our
skills; may be in the form of delivering a speech or  conducting a club
meeting, the training and exposure we gain from this will eventually reflect in
our professional lives. He further talked about the theme set for Rotary this
year, ‘Be a gift to the world’ and requested all the Rotaractors to consider
themselves as a gift to the world and do something valuable to the society that
we can be proud of, not just this year but in the many years to come.
 This was followed up by the speech of Rtn. PP.
PHF Farzana Khan, the Youth Services Chair who admired RCCU focusing on peace
building through diversity and further said that ‘Let’s Scatter the light of
hope’ is a good theme to work on as young people can get involved through
community service and professional development projects to benefit people of
different ethnicity living in the society.
The next entertainment item for the evening was a
surprise to all, where a stand up comedian entertained the audience and it was
indeed a very clever entertainment item to be included in a formal agenda as
this. It was appreciated by all who were present at the event. Next the Guest
of honour, Rtn. PP. Marshad Barry, DRCC 2013/2014 acknowledged that RCCU is one
of the vibrant Rotaract clubs which comprise of young enthusiastic youth which
maintained the highest standard in the Rotary District 3220 in a short span of
6 years.
In her speech, the Chief guest Rtn. Kausha Kalpage,
President of Rotary club of Colombo Centennial  emphasised that after
decades of greatest burdens of the conflict, as a youth it is the time for us
to raise the voice against social disturbances through racial harmony thus
aiming to create a better future for the generations to come. Then the
installation ceremony was concluded with felicitations and the vote of thanks
followed by the national anthem.
Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of
Management and Finance wishes the new President Rtr. PHF. Nuzrath Benazir
Farouk and her board every success to prosper with their projects and as their
theme goes, to ‘Kindle the spark within to scatter the light of hope’
Reported by-
Rtr. Devmini Weerasuriya 
Compiled by-
Rtr. Aqeela Najeeb (Co-Director – Community Service)

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