The 9th Installation Ceremony of Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa was held on the 2nd of October, 2021 via Facebook and YouTube live. 

The ceremony began with the past president Rtr. Anju Cheran called the meeting to order. Rtr. Uththra Kanakaratne took up the role to conduct the Rotaract formalities which included the flag salutation, Rotaract invocation, and rotary four-way test. This was followed by the National anthem of Sri Lanka and the Rotaract song.

After all the guests, Rotarians and fellow Rotaractors were warmly welcomed by the project co-chairperson Rtr. Iroshan Vidanage, the secretary’s report for the Rotaract year 2020-21 was presented. According to the outgoing secretary, Rtr. Amali Herath, the club went on to complete 31 main projects across all 6 Rotaract avenues, wielding “Embracing change with courage” as the guiding slogan in the past year. She stressed how their commitment and perseverance as a club drove them to actively perform even during the unprecedented times of the pandemic. The secretary’s report concluded with a video that showcased the inspiring projects of the Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa for the year 2020-21.

Next, an introduction to the outgoing president was given by Rtr. Sudara Withana. He expressed “Rtr. Anju Cheran is really passionate about what he does and has a knack of achieving what he sets his eyes on” and concisely summed up the steered and leading personality of Rtr. Anju. 

Then the outgoing president, Rtr. Anju Cheran addressed the gathering. He stated their achievement of bagging eight awards in the year 2020-21 and acknowledged the commitment and support of all members that made these victories possible. The immediate past president concluded his speech with his expressions of gratitude to all who had helped him in his journey.

Next, the introduction to the incoming president Rtr. Kavinda Senarathne was given by Rtn. Rtr. PP. Hasitha Prashan. He said “Rtr. Kavinda was always there to help, it was his nature”, and expressed his utmost confidence in Rtr. Kavinda to be an exemplary leader who will steer the club to more success in the future. 

Then, came the most awaited moment of the day. The incoming president of Rotaract Club of Alumni of University of Moratuwa, Rtr. Kavinda was collared by the past president and the gavel was handed over to him. 

The newly appointed president, Rtr. Kavinda addressing the gathering started by saying that it was his passion and commitment towards serving the community that made him an active member of Rotaract. He emphasized how little acts of humanity matter and announced “Empowering change to enrich lives” as the theme for the year 2021-22. After thanking all who had supported him, Rtr. Kavinda added, “I give assurance that the Rotaract club is moving towards sustainable development to make a better world by empowering change through enhanced lives.”

Next on agenda, the incoming Board of Directors for the year 2021-22 was introduced.

The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the year 2021-22 :

  • President – Rtr. Kavinda Senarathne
  • Immediate Past President – Rtn. Rtr. Anju Cheran
  • Vice President Administration – Rtr. Shenali Welikala
  • Vice President Community Service – Rtr. Matheesha Abeysekara
  • Vice President Professional Development – Rtr. Heshan Sudarshana
  • Vice President Club Service – Rtr. Sudara Withana
  • Vice President International Service – Rtr. Rahal Hettiarachchi
  • Secretary – Rtr. Sithmi Lawanga
  • Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Uththra Kanakarathne 
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Kasun Chathuranga
  • Sergeant-at-arms – Rtr. Iroshan Vidanage
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Kasuni Wanninayake
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Reshan Dissanayake
  • Co-Editor – Rtr. Pasan De Silva
  • Co-Director Club Service – Rtr. Malitha Gunawardhana
  • Co-Director Club Service – Rtr. Gevindu Wickramarachchi
  • Co-Director Community Service – Rtr. Ayesh Malindu
  • Co-Director Community Service – Rtr. Sachitha Bandara
  • Co-Director International Service – Rtr. Geethika Sandamali
  • Co-Director International Service – Rtr. Vinu Maddumage
  • Co-Director Professional Development  – Rtr. Hasitha Umayanga
  • Co-Director Professional Development – Rtr. Chiranga Wickramasinghe 
  • Director Environmental Service – Rtr. Thilina Liyange
  • Director Finance – Rtr. Bimal Yasasvi
  • Co-Director Public Relations – Rtr. Kavindu Nadeeshana
  • Co-Director Public Relations – Rtr. Shashika Udayanga
  • Co-Director Public Relations – Rtr. Hasitha Nilupul
  • Senior Director Membership Development – Rtr. Umith Wimalarathne
  • Director Membership Development – Rtr. Randula Karunarathne
  • Senior Director Information Technology – Rtr. Chanaka Wickramanayake
  • Director Information Technology – Rtr. Raviru Jayathilake
  • Director Information Technology – Rtr. Bhanuka Rathnayake
  • Director Sports – Rtr. Charu Katuwawala
  • Director Special Projects – Rtr. Lakshitha Nilupul

Following the introduction of the BOD, the audience was entertained by Rtr. Tharaka Siyambalapitiya with his beautiful cover of “Hello” by Lionel Richie. The event moved on to the address by District Rotaract representative, Rtn. Rtr. PP. Akhila Wijetunga. He appreciated the club for having a strong bond among its members and recognised it to be their strength. Rtr. Akhila congratulated the past president for a year concluded successfully amid numerous challenges, and wished a wonderful year ahead for president Kavinda, his BOD, and the members.

The District Rotaract chair. Rtn. PP. PHF Marshad Barry began his speech by acknowledging the great work done by the club in the past year with an emphasis on its’ signature projects. Quoting Sir Tom Farm, he wished all members to provide their utmost support to President Kavinda and hoped to make greater impacts on the society together through Rotaract. He concluded his speech by wishing the new president and his BOD all the best.

Afterwards, the District Youth services chairman, Rtn. Dr. Rohantha Athukorala admired the club for its fantastic work in the previous year, with particular mention of the project ‘Battle with the pandemic”. Further sharing his thoughts, he pointed out the importance of the waves of learning and the imperative to continue our battle with the pandemic. He repeatedly accentuated the significance of wearing a mask, maintaining social distance, and frequently washing hands irrespective of being vaccinated or not. He wound up his speech by sharing the good news of the rotary initiative -Stop the spread, back to school- being recognised by UNICEF as a lead project.

Next on agenda, Rtn. Thushani Samaranayake addressed the gathering on behalf of the chief guest Rtn. Anisha Dharmadasa, who was absent due to unavoidable reasons. Congratulating the outgoing board for their excellent performance during a challenging year, Rtn. Thushani shared her heartfelt wishes to the incoming president and his BOD. And towards the end of her speech, she requested, “Be the change that you want to see in the world. And to make this change happen you live with purpose and you serve with purpose.”

The ceremony drew to an end with the presentation of the felicitations sent by fellow Rotaractors, Rotarians, and well-wishers, followed by the vote of thanks by the secretary for the year 2021-22, Rtr. Sithmi Lawanga.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF) would like to extend its warm wishes to Rtr. Kavinda Senarathne and his Board for their upcoming journey they just embarked upon!

Written By:-
Rtr. Hikma Imam
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Venuka Batagoda
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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