The 9th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of National School of Business Management was held on the 11th of September via YouTube and Facebook Live from 7.00 p.m. onwards. Even though it was a virtual installation ceremony, it has become an impressive and foremost event for all Rotaractors and Rotarians in the country.

To commence the 9th installation proceedings, the outgoing president, Rtr. Janith Tillekasekara, called the 9th installation ceremony of NSBM to order and remarked the initiation of the event. After that, Sergeant at Arms, Rtr. Pasindu Wijesuriya was on stage to conduct the initial formalities; Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, and the Rotary 4 Way Test.

A welcome address was given away by Rtr. Dilini Siriwardana and Rtr. Saroni Welivita, and this was followed by the presentation of the Secretary’s Report for the year 2020-21 by the outgoing secretary, Rtr. Nethuli Ramanayake. By offering the honest to the goodness of their motto, “Bringing Purpose through Service” the secretary’s report reveals that the club has been able to finish off 51 projects across all avenues during the year victoriously. Furthermore, she highlighted that in the back of these project completion, there is always the tremendous commitment and hard work of all the Rotaractors in the club.

Afterwards, the outgoing president, Rtr. Janith Tillekasekara, addressed the gathering. He recalls, “How they completed 51 projects during this COVID 19 pandemic situation through online platforms by adhering to the health guidelines through their passion, dedication, and hard work.” He expressed his profound gratitude to everyone who had helped him along the way during his leadership.

Next, Rtr. Abyshek Inimankada, one of the Vice Presidents for the year 2021-22, was on stage to introduce the newly appointed president of the Rotaract Club of NSBM for the year 2021-22. Then the outgoing president, Rtr. Janith Tillekasekara, passed out the collar to the incoming president, Rtr. Janith Wickramasooriya, the 9th President of the Rotaract Club of NSBM for the year 2021-22.

He elucidates “what drove him to join the Rotaract Club, how he grabbed the opportunities and challenges which were there in his way, and how he learned to acquire the experience.” Also, he is delighted to have a wonderful team with members who are dedicated, hard-working, and have a passion for service. He has the aspiration to make an extraordinary achievement with his amazing team in the history of the Rotaract Club of NSBM this year by “Bringing Purpose through Service”. Also, he pointed out that the rise in the Rotaract membership by a drastic percentage of 345% this year reflects the triumph that the club has been achieving since 2013. He concludes his address by expressing gratitude to the members for all their efforts and quoting Mark Twain: “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”.

Then the event moves up to the introduction video of the Board of Directors for the year 2021-22. The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for 2021-22 are as follows;

  • President – Rtr. Janith Wickramasooriya
  • Immediate Past President – Rtr. Janith Tillekasekara
  • Vice President – Rtr. Tharushi Kuruppu
  • Vice President – Rtr. Malsha Amarathunga
  • Vice President – Rtr. Abyshek Inimankada
  • Secretary – Rtr. Joshua Joseph
  • Assistant Secretary – Rtr. Sanduni De Fonseka
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Senura Dulsara
  • Treasurer – Rtr. Iransha Pulle
  • Sergeant at Arms – Rtr. Pasindu Wijesuriya
  • Editor – Rtr. Amnah Ahamed
  • Club Advisor – Rtr. Saraka Sahaswin
  • Club Services Director – Rtr. Saroni Welivita
  • Club Services Director – Rtr. Dilini Siriwardana
  • Community Services Director – Rtr. Andrea Fonseka
  • Community Services Director – Rtr. Ishini Himansha
  • International Services Director – Rtr. Aneesha Sourjah
  • International Services Director – Rtr. Nilakna Premarathne
  • International Services Director – Rtr. Rochelle Dalpethado
  • Professional Development Director – Rtr. Charmi Pallewatta
  • Professional Development Director – Rtr. Dimithri Wickramasinghe
  • Finance Director – Rtr. Rashmi Jayamanne
  • Finance Director – Rtr. Chevaan Fernando
  • Environment Services Director – Rtr. Thisuri Dunuwila
  • Environment Services Director – Rtr. Amamee Senevirathne
  • Public Relations Director – Rtr. Ramudhi Pevinya
  • Public Relations Director – Rtr. Yumin Perera
  • Sports and Recreation Director – Rtr. Vikum Fernando
  • Sports and Recreation Director – Rtr. Dion De Hoedt
  • Sports and Recreation Director – Rtr. Ashane Silva
  • Digital Communications Director – Rtr. Rashini Virasha
  • Digital Communications Director – Rtr. Bahushakthi Indukilana
  • Digital Communications Director – Rtr. Malindu Hasith
  • Regional Engagement Director – Rtr. Rakjitha Binul
  • Regional Engagement Director – Rtr. Ashen Dilanka

Afterwards, District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Akhila Wijetunga addressed the gathering by expressing his warm wishes for the newly appointed president and his board of directors. And he appreciates the hard journey that the outgoing president came up with this COVID 19 pandemic situation in the country. Like the captain navigating the ship through the rough ocean with his leadership, the Rotaract Club of NSBM was able to complete 51 projects which are valuable to the community in this tough time. He concludes his speech with some inspiring thoughts and congratulating both the outgoing and incoming presidents on having a wonderful year ahead.

Next, the District Rotaract Chairperson, Rtn. Marshad Barry, addressed the gathering where he started with the unbelievable projects completed by the Rotaract Club of NSBM by turning society into a friendlier place to live. He figures out that life becomes sweeter, more enjoyable, and safer with the friendships you have with people in cities, towns, and all over the world because of the linkage that Rotary made. By adding his heartfelt wishes to the incoming president and his board, he concludes his speech.

Then District Youth Services Chairmen, Rtn. Dr. Rohantha Athukorala, starts to address the gathering by spreading out some of the most important messages to the gathering that are about health and safety protocols like washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining a one-meter distance, and getting the vaccination as soon as possible in order to recover and get rid of this COVID 19 pandemic situation. As well, he spotlights the discipline maintained in the vaccination program in the whole country by the younger generation who are below 30, and he admired that discipline by remembering to keep it up throughout life to build a better community in Sri Lanka. By congratulating the incoming president and wishing the outgoing president an amazing job very well done in the last year, he concludes his speech.

Afterwards, one of the guest speakers, Mr. Kasun Dissanayaka, Head of Student Affairs at NSBM, joined the event to share some of his valuable words with the gathering. According to him, the purpose of the Rotaract Club is to nourish the undergraduates through experience, and that experience gained always positively influences the students’ emotional, intellectual, social, and interpersonal development. Learning to negotiate, communicate, manage conflicts, and lead others instead of improving students academically are some of the advantages that undergraduates gain by joining the Rotaract Club.

Next, the other guest speaker, Rtn. Anisha Dharmadasa, President of the Rotary Club of Colombo West, addressed the gathering by figuring out that the year 2021-22 year will be the most challenging because, as the pandemic has given value to lives at these hard times, focus and impact, bringing purpose through service, should be lived by example, as this is the motto for the upcoming year of the Rotaract Club of NSBM.

Then the Chief Guest, Ms. Thilini De Silva, Dean of the Faculty of Business at NSBM, was there to share her wishes and thoughts for this glorious installation ceremony. According to her, Rotaract is a service club for young people aged 18 and above who are dedicated to finding innovative solutions to the most challenging situations while developing leadership skills and making friends around the world. Furthermore, she elaborates that the mission of Rotaract states that all Rotaractors are working towards serving the physical and social needs of the community and promoting better relationships between all people worldwide within a framework of friendship in these communities.

Finally, we have a look at some of the felicitations sent by the other Rotaract Clubs in the country that comprise warm wishes for the 9th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of NSBM. Then this memorable event came to the latter part and the incoming secretary, Rtr. Joshua Joseph, gave away the vote of thanks. In the end, the newly appointed president, Rtr. Janith Wickramasooriya, terminated the 9th Installation Ceremony of the Rotaract Club of NSBM by giving the message, “Great is the art of beginning and greater is the art of ending”.

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance (RACUOCFMF) would like to extend its warm wishes to Rtr. Janith Wickramasooriya and his Board for their upcoming journey they just embarked upon!

Written By:-
Rtr. Dinithi Fonseka
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Venuka Batagoda
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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