Blog Member of the Month – March 2024


In the realm of blogging, a superstar shines brightly, paving the way for others to follow. The Blog Team proudly celebrates Rtr. Sethmi Navoda as the esteemed Blog member for March. Rtr. Sethmi co-chaired one of the blog’s prominent initiatives, Project Quill Quest, demonstrating exceptional leadership and organizational skills. She also contributed graphics and thumbnails for the Mathaka article series project, adding a visual flair that enhanced the overall presentation. Moreover, Sethmi meticulously overlooked the Sinhala Round-Up, ensuring the content was accurate and engaging.Sethmi’s dedication and reliability are unparalleled. She is always ready to help and capable of juggling multiple responsibilities without missing a step. Her consistent contributions and unwavering commitment make her an invaluable member of the team. Not only is she recognized for her efforts in March, but if there were an award for the MVP of the year in blogging, that recognition would undoubtedly go to her.Rtr. Sethmi exemplifies dedication and innovation, steering the Blog Team toward new heights of success. Her collaborative spirit and unwavering commitment illuminate the path for her peers, inspiring excellence in content creation. Congratulations to Rtr. Sethmi Navoda for her well-deserved recognition as the Blog Team member of March. Here’s to a future brightened by her creativity and leadership. Cheers to Rtr. Sethmi Navoda!

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Rtr. Amaan Thaha
(Co-Editor 2023-24)

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Sethmi Navoda
