Board Members of the Month – September 2023


Rtr. Venuja

Rtr.Venuja is the pillar of creativity at RACUOFMF, his touch can bring magic into any post, video, or content he designs. He is an individual capable of many things which makes Rtr. Venuja the best fit for his role as the Director of Digital Communications. He takes it upon himself to manage the PR content for all the projects ongoing in the club and never disappoints with his leadership. The Editorial team is one of the strongest teams of all time due to the dedication and commitment from Rtr. Venuja in getting all the members involved with the content creation.

Rtr. Ajini

Our very own actress Rtr. Ajini is one of the sweetest souls out there. Compassionate about anything she does Rtr. Ajini has the talent of working with people and getting the tasks done perfectly. Looking over the countless project content happening is not an easy task but with Rtr. Ajini as the co-director of Digital Communications the job has become easier for the club. Giving 100% in everything she does makes Rtr. Ajini shines bright as a member of RACUOCFMF.Rtr. Venuja and Rtr. Ajini has demonstrated exceptional dedication, creativity, and reliability in their roles as Directors of Digital Communications at RACUOCMF. Their contributions have not only enhanced our club’s image but have also inspired our members. We are delighted to have them on our board, and we look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success in the future. Congratulations to both of them on this well-deserved recognition!

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Rtr. Vishvi Wijetunge
(President 2023-24)

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Rtr. Melisha Gonaduwa
(Secretary 2023-24)

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