Center Stage 2024 – Rtr. Reshaka Weerasinghe


In the fifth episode of Center Stage 2024 Edition, we are honored to feature an outstanding Rotaract leader whose exceptional leadership and unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes have not only inspired his fellow Rotaractors but have also made a significant positive impact on communities. Joining Rtr. Sanduni Wickramarachchi for an engaging interview is the Rotaract District Treasurer, Rtr. Reshaka Weerasinghe.

Here are some questions we posed to him, along with his insightful responses:

How does Rotaract contribute to personal development and leadership skills?

Rotaract has various situations where public speaking and also time management is needed. When we are in university, we have to do project stuffs and also academic stuffs in similar time so time management skill and leadership skills and also people management since we have to manage our committees.

Can you share memorable experience or a successful story from your time in Rotaract?

There are some memorable stories related with couple of projects so I would go with the project Grama Prabodaya so when I was the co-director of Community Service Avenue. That time there was Covid as well, so we had to plan from here to there for the final. During that period, we built a classroom and renovate the IT lab in the school. After completing the project, we had the final visit to handover the things to the school. So, that was the unforgettable day for me.

This episode of Center Stage provided an enjoyable and enlightening glimpse into the life of Rotaract District Treasurer Rtr. PP Reshaka Weerasinghe. Get ready to discover who will be stepping into the Center Stage next!

Hosted By:





Rtr. Sanduni Wickramarachchi
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Written By:





Rtr. Shimra Shamil
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Compiled By:





Rtr. Mohamed Muad
(General Member 2023-24)

Edited By:





Rtr. Pamodi Hewawasam
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

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