Consistently instilling personal development aspects within the youth community, Rotaract has pledged to create a supportive environment and a platform upon which the youth is given ample opportunity for growth. At the 31
තරුණ ප්රජාවට පුද්ගලික සංවර්ධනයට අවශ්ය පැතිකඩ අඛණ්ඩව හදුන්වා දෙමින්, රොටරැක්ට් සමාජය විසින් තරුණ පරපුරට සන්වර්ධනය වීම සඳහා අවශ්ය පරිසරයක් සහ වේදිකාවක් නිර්මාණය කිරීමට පොරොන්දු වී තිබේ. 31 වන රොටරැක්ට් දිස්ත්රික් සම්මේලනයේදී, ව්යාපෘති විසින් ප්රජාව තුළ ඇති කරන ලද සුවිශේෂී ධනාත්මක බලපෑම අගය කිරීම සඳහා ‘Most Impactful Professional Development Initiative’ යන තේමාව යටතේ ඉතාමත්ම උසස් පුද්ගලික සංවර්ධන ව්යාපෘති ඇගයීමට ලක් කරන ලදී.
Gold – Are you ready? 2020 (Rotaract club of Moratuwa)
‘Are You Ready? 2020’, the Official Career Fair of University of Moratuwa, organized by the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Moratuwa strives to create a platform dedicated to the undergraduates with the intention of personality development and career guidance. ‘Are You Ready? 2020’ was conducted with the participation of 1300+ undergraduates and 70 leading companies while marking its 25th milestone. ‘Are You Ready? 2020’ was carried out as a fully virtualized project which consisted of several phases.
The phase ‘Resume Centre’ was an online CV clinic program that offered the opportunity to the final-year undergraduates at the university to expand their CVs from ordinary to extraordinary, under the guidance of recruiting experts in the industry.
Phase ‘Heads Up’ was held with the goal of providing guidance to university undergraduates focusing on adequate and appropriate CV writing and preparing them to face interviews with confidence through insightful recommendations and exhibiting sample interviews.
‘The Forum’, a phase where four leading professionals in the Sri Lankan market to openly discuss many current and fruitful areas of the corporate world in order to help undergraduates refuel their knowledge and understanding whilst preparing themselves for what challenges may arise as they start their journey in the business world.
The event ‘The Image’ enabled participants to see how personal branding supports their development and how to apply key personal branding concepts to their own lives.
‘Career Insights Series’, a series of webinars that were conducted in order to promote awareness among university undergraduates about the present and potential employment opportunities, especially including some of Sri Lanka’s largest corporate companies from multiple industries.
‘Flagship Fair’ was initiated as a virtual real interview session for the final year undergraduates with the help of the largest companies in Sri Lanka.
The entire project has created a valuable learning experience for its participants which indeed covered a vast scope of knowledge in overall.
Click here to find out more about this award winning initiative
Silver – Success (RAC Uva Wellassa University of Badulla)
Project ‘Success’ was a commendable initiative of the Rotaract Club of Uva Wellassa University of Badulla which was organized with the intention of inculcating the prerequisite qualities and skills within the undergraduates of Uva Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, who are currently on the verge of entering the corporate world. The entire project was carried out in the form of a session series which were organized with the aid of the industrial experts. The project consisted of 4 webinars by the names of, ‘Presentation Skill Webinar’, ‘IT YAHAMAGA Webinar 01’, ‘IT YAHAMAGA Webinar 02’, ‘Webinar on Motivation’ which combinedly well delivered the purpose of the project ‘Success’. The project participants were given the opportunity of comprehensively learning and developing highly demanded soft skills and thereby preparing themselves to enter the corporate sector in the near future.
Bronze – Youth Career Empowerment Series (RAC Colombo Mid Town)
The project, ‘Youth Career Empowerment Series’ (YCES) initiated by the Rotaract Club of Colombo Mid Town took place as monthly held workshops and forums which were set to develop personal and professional competencies of the club members. The entire project was systematically arranged and implemented in a way in which it successfully delivered empowering personal development, academic development, and career development aspects to the club members. Further through the project, the participants were given the chance to actively engage in networking and to get the assistance of career panels. The exposure that the project, ‘Youth Career Empowerment Series’ created for its participants is undeniably praiseworthy as it gave them the chance of exploring the real-time career pathways.
Click here to find out more about this award winning initiative
Bronze – Stride (Rotaract club of SLIIT)
‘Stride’, an aspiring project initiated by the Rotaract Club of SLIIT strived to achieve the objective of enhancing the personality, confidence, and corporate presence of the undergraduates around Sri Lanka. The project was set out in 3 phases which catered to different aspects of the overall purpose of the project. The phase ‘Persona Stride’ was set to emphasize personality development, the phase ‘Corporate Stride’ was aimed at improving the undergraduates’ readiness for the corporate world, whereas the phase ‘Speaker Stride’ served the participants with the opportunity of improving themselves to become better speakers. The 3 phases of the project consisted of sub-projects that focused on enhancing the areas such as, personal branding, stress management, time management, CV writing & interview etiquette, presentation & public speaking skills and many more. The versatility of the project ‘Stride’ is undeniable vast and as a result, many passionate undergraduates were given the opportunity of shaping themselves into competent individuals.
Click here to find out more about this award winning initiative
Thank you to all fellow clubs and fellow Rotaractors for providing us with the details. Stay tuned for the thirteenth article of this novel series.
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