HONOURED & SEALED – Most Innovative Projects

The rapidly changing environment drives us “Rotaractors” to think innovatively and enhance the impact of the project outcomes. A positive change brought about by transformative technology ensures sustainability of our service. As branches of Rotaract, each club has the responsibility not only to think innovatively but also to execute projects accordingly. This award category encourages clubs to think out of the box and come up with something fresh. 4 such projects embellished with innovation, were recognized at the 30th Rotaract District Assembly!

වේගයෙන් වෙනස් වන පරිසර රටාව නැවුම්ව හා වෙනස් ලෙස සිතීමෙහිලා  අපේ මනස පොළඹවයි. තාක්ෂණික දියුණුව සමග ඇතිවන ධනාත්මක සංස්කෘතික වෙනස්කම් අපගේ සේවාවන් හි රඳා පැවැත්මට උපකාරී වන අතර ඒ අනුව ව්‍යාපෘති සංවිධානය කිරීම අපගේ වගකීමයි. මෙම සම්මාන පෙළෙහි අරමුණ වන්නේ “රාමුවෙන් ඔබ්බට” සිතීම සඳහා සමාජය ධෛර්යමත් කිරීම වන අතර එවැනි ව්‍යාපෘති හතරක් සම්මානයට ලක් කිරීම  සිදු කෙරිණි.

புதுமை மிக்க திட்டத்திற்கான விருது வேறுபட்ட சிந்தனைகளை ஊக்குவிப்பதோடு அதிக நன்மை பயக்கும் சேவையை வழங்க வழி வகுக்கின்றது. இவ்வகையின் கீழ் 4 சிறப்பான திட்டங்களுக்கு விருதுகள் வழங்கப்பட்டன.

In 2019, for 2nd consecutive year, the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa executed the project Manusath Handa – The Voice of Humanity” in the avenue of community service with the objective of helping the students of “The School for the Deaf and Blind, Rathmalana” and “Abadha Sahitha Wuwan Savibala Kirime Padanama”.

The main aim was to resolve the lack of educational resources for visually impaired students in Sri Lanka by providing supplementary resources in audio format with the collaboration of Wijeya Newspapers. A collection of recordings obtained since 13th of January 2019, consisted of a total of 100 articles classified according to the subjects. On 28th May 2019, the project was successfully concluded by donating the prepared DVDs to the targeted schools and the associations.

A wonderful online library was launched with the intention of providing a platform to work from homes where they can download and listen to any subject, they prefer to learn by browsing this online library.


As an extension of the project, they have also introduced “Andurata Athwalak” which is a fun and stimulating initiative aimed at improving the English proficiency of young visually impaired souls. So if you happen to have exemplary skills in creative writing, do get on board with them!

To know about RAC UOM, you can follow them on: https://www.facebook.com/rotaractmora/


International Runway 2020, which was held back in March, was one of the main events hosted by the Rotaract Club of ICBT. It was a runway displaying the grace of seven countries all over the world in not just fashion but also in culture, traditions and many more. The Rotaract Clubs of SLIIT, Colombo Midtown, IIT, Colombo Fort, Colombo West and Kurunegala joined hands with the hosting club to celebrate a night global diversity.

The festivity of cultures exhibited the uniqueness and splendour of India, China, Japan, England, Africa, Greece and our very own country Sri Lanka. The contestants showcased their relevant culture in the form of innovative performances and stunning costumes. The Rotaract Club of ICBT who exhibited the beauty, glory and rich heritage of ancient Greece was definitely a highlight of the night. The event was a great sight to grasp the exclusivity of different cultures, the connection of people and the beauty of each and every country. 

To know about RAC ICBT, you can follow them on: https://www.facebook.com/rotaracticbt/


“50 Shades” organized by Rotaract club of SLIIT – A Miraculous Mystery with a treasure hidden inside, was one of the biggest virtual scavenger hunts to go down in Rotaract history. The scavenger hunt comprised of 5 levels with over 450 treasure hunters who enthusiastically got themselves involved in resolving a bundle of 50 riddles filled with completely exciting and challenging tasks. Unlocking the riddles was a strenuous task for the hunters and the lucky winners were presented with gifts (Cupcakes, RedBull, Geeky T-Shirts and CASH!) to honour their tremendous efforts.

The end of the hunt was marked by giving away the grand prize of Rs. 10,000 to Rtr.Vidushith Jayasundara of RACUSJ. But as RACSLIIT rightly said, the real treasure that everyone was gifted with, were those moments oozing with laughter, fellowship and pure joy! The event turned out to be extra special by having the DRR for 2019/20, PP. Rtr. Krishan Balaji and Rtr. Kithmee De Silva till the end together with the fellow Roratactors. 50 SHADES surely created an extremely novel and memorable chapter in the diary of Rotaract and thus let all the Rotaractors take a break and enjoy themselves in perilous times of the pandemic!

To know about RAC SLIIT, you can follow them on: https://www.facebook.com/RotaractSLIIT/


“SLAMM 20 – Every Clue Matters” took place on 17th of May 2020, with a whole new twist, bringing the outdoor treasure hunt home through a virtual platform. “SLAMM” has been a treasure hunt organized by the five Rotaract clubs of University of Colombo every year and it happened within the premises of the University, aiming to familiarize the members of these clubs with each other before the commencement of the new Rotaract year.

Unfortunately, this year the lively event couldn’t be held as a physical event due to the unforeseen COVID-19 lockdown. However, as Rotaractors always do, they ADAPTED! It was held in the form of yet another virtual scavenger hunt which went on for about two hours via Zoom with the guide of a moderator.

As ‘quarantine’ and ‘pandemic’ were the most used terms during those times, the storyline was created in such a fascinating manner! According to it, the participants were stuck inside a quarantine centre looking for clues left by a scientist who had found a cure for the virus and fled. The adventurers had 10 ingredients to figure out by solving puzzles, riddles and identifying crooked images and songs which contained clues.

Therefore, there were 10 levels of stupefying short games filled with nonstop discussing and quick thinking since the points were given based on the number of clues found within the time limit. Thus, this phenomenal concept of “SLAMM 20” was considered to be yet another novel project owing to the fat chunk of creativity this journey of never ending mystery contained. Upon the completion of 10 tasks, it concluded as an event that was as equally interesting and thrilling as an outdoor treasure hunt!

Do stalk the page to find out more! – https://www.instagram.com/slammuoc/

To know about these clubs, you can follow them on:

RAC UOC FOS: https://www.facebook.com/rotaract.uoc.science/
RAC UOC FOL: https://www.facebook.com/RotaractClubOfFacultyOfLawUniversityOfColombo/
RAC UOC FOA: https://www.facebook.com/RotaractArts/
RAC UOC FOM: https://www.facebook.com/RACFOM/
RAC UOC FMF: https://www.facebook.com/RACFOM/

Kudos to the innovative minds and clubs who invested their time and effort to make these dreams come true! This particular category of awards encourages clubs to try new approaches to embrace opportunities through innovation and flexibility. This strategy would support our growth, attract new members and mainly increase the “impact” of the service we extend as a movement. However, it’s beyond competing for awards! Individuals and clubs are motivated to bring original work and novelty to the table as they “Strive as One!”

Thankyou to all our fellow clubs and fellow Rotaractors for providing us with the details!


Written & Compiled By:

The Blog Team 2020/21



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