How Are You?

There’s doubt in you. There’s doubt on you. There’s isolation around you. There’s isolation within you. The world is under lock-down, and so are you. But not the kind the world is under.

You are under lock-down with your battles, and with no means to fight them. You want to go out, but you can’t. Not outside your house, but outside yourself; because inside is war, and you want freedom. You see people standing up from where they fell, and you want to do the same. But the soldiers of your war are tired. They just want to rest. You don’t know where to go. Not physically, but emotionally. You don’t know where to turn. Again, not physically, but emotionally. And because you can’t do any of that, you try to see to whom you can turn, and you just don’t know. And again not physically, but emotionally.

The war within you feels like the world; big, dark and hopeless. And you take a break just to wonder, is it just me? Is it actually just me?

Let me tell you. The answer is NO!

It’s not just you. It’s actually and in all reality, not just you.

You are a soldier, a warrior for fighting your battles, and this world is made of such warriors. Warriors like you will build us up, because where hope and only hope lives, there’s a spark of urge.

When you doubt yourself, when you hit rock hard, there is this urge igniting within you, the urge to do something, anything, just to feel like you are doing better. The world thrives on this urge. We survive on this urge.

There’s this desire in you, this longing, to fight your demons, to be the next person to get up from where you have fallen. This desire rises the world.

There’s this craving growing in you, the craving to feel like the world is big, bright and hopeful. This craving inspires the world.

There’s a trick to making this work though. A lesson rather. A lesson that we are forced to learn today, and that is, we are all in this together!

There’s a voice inside you which says, “I’m in this alone”. But in reality, that voice exists in the minds of all warriors. When you understand this, you’ll know that all it takes to be in this together, is to start a conversation. A simple, “How are you?”

And what better time than now to make sure that someone you care about is actually doing fine? Physically, yes. But also, emotionally. Start the conversion. Offer a hearing ear. Open up. Be vulnerable. Listen to their story. Share your story. Spread the strength to fight.

Because, every soldier needs a home to come back to!



Written By:

Aamina Ismail
(Co-Editor – 2019/20)

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Amnah Amjad

Well-written!!! This hit me hard on head

Aamina Ismail

Thank you Amnah ♥️

Ruzni Faik

Beautifully written

Aamina Ismail

Thank you so much ayya!