“Mm….Wait, what? What was that?” I felt like someone was rubbing my face when I was sleeping and dreaming in my fairy world. This was the very first thought that came into my mind as I got up in the morning. Little did I know then, that rubbing person was my kitty “Crosio”.

I took her in my arms, and I wanted to hug her as tied as I could. I saw our reflection in the mirror and what I understood was someone can use a ton of words to describe her; pretty, cute, brave, lovely, caring as it would be reasonable at its maximum. Caring for a cat means much more than simply making sure they have plenty of food and water; it requires a lot of patience and love.

Being rude from the appearance and sensitive, caring from inside, is the best personality ever, and I saw that in my kitty other than anyone else.

Yes, I would like to be a kitty once if I get a chance to do so. Her caring is at its best, and for sure, she is the one who always lives with hunger. It is suspicious whether she loves food more than me. Though, she never let me feel lonely.

When it comes to her meals, punctuality is the most crucial part, and the best part of her life is, she does not want anyone to wash her and, from the best of my knowledge, bathing is the most annoying thing when it comes to her routine.

She knows how to treat, when to take revenge, and how to survive by herself. The most highlighted thing is, she is always proud of herself and her life as a cat.

What if I ask her to switch from being a cat to a human being?                                                

“Oh wait, you have got great life surrounded by full of blessings. After all, you want to be me for a once. What nonsense! Idiot, every white rose has a black shadow. Even in my life, I am not free to do each and everything I want just because I am a cat.

Be Yourself!

Be grateful for who you are, and do not try to become anyone else. You are perfect as the way you are. It is not what you want to be that makes you special, but how God made you show your true colours and makes you unique.

As I believe, no matter how much you want to be someone you’re not, it’s better to be yourself. When you are yourself, then other people respect you and love you for who you are.

“Now go, hurry up and give me something to eat.” That is what she would tell if she could talk and read my mind. Then I smiled at the reflection on the mirror and welcomed myself to a great day that has given me a chance to become the best version of myself.

Written By:-
Team Denominators

Edited By:-
Rtr. Githma De Silva
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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