Joint Meeting and Kitchen Challenge 2.0

The Joint Meeting and Kitchen Challenge 2.0, was successfully held on the 12th of August 2017, at the Paradise Beach Hotel, Negombo, with the participation of Rotaractors from six Rotaract Clubs namely, Rotaract Club of Negombo, Rotaract Club of Wattala, Rotaract Club of University of Colombo Faculty of Management and Finance, Rotaract Club of CFPS Law School, Rotaract Club of Kelaniya and Rotaract Club of Edulink International Campus.
The joint meeting was hosted by the Rotaract Club of Negombo and the head table was occupied by the Presidents and Secretaries of the respective clubs. The meeting was called to order by the President of the Rotaract Club of Negombo, Rtr.  Enon Croos which was followed by the flag salutation, Rotaract invocation, four – way test and the Rotaract song.  Subsequently, the Secretaries of each club presented minutes of their last club meeting.
President of the Rotaract Club of Negombo, Rtr. Enon Croos thanked everyone for being a part of the joint meeting. Afterwards, each club enlightened the gathering by presenting details of their ongoing and upcoming projects.
Rtr. Dineth Fernando from the Rotaract Club of Negombo introduced the project “Smile,” a signature project of the club which focuses on child education where they expect to spark the lives of 1000 kids by providing a fully equipped school bag for the New Year. The project will be mainly funded by a dance party, featuring one of the most leading bands in Negombo.
On behalf of our club, President Rtr. Akhila Adhishwara thanked everyone for attending the 7th installation ceremony of the club and Rtr. Dulni Gooneratne shared updates of project “BOSS”, a women empowerment program focusing on a series of interviews with selected lady bosses of the country which is one of the main community service projects which will be happening throughout the month of September.
President Rtr. Kavindra Sigera from the Rotaract Club of Kelaniya shared information about their plans on project, “Think Pink” a breast cancer awareness workshop which will be happening in the month of October.
After sharing information about upcoming projects, the meeting was successfully concluded followed by the National Anthem.
Up next on the agenda, was the highlight of the day “Kitchen Challenge 2.0” organized by the Rotaract Club of Negombo. After a brief explanation by Rtr. Kisali Mirando on what the challenge was all about, members of the clubs were grouped into six teams with the aim of improving fellowship among the members. 


Then, two chefs from the Paradise Beach Hotel performed a cookery demonstration where they showed how to prepare a mouthwatering Cordon Bleu dish and a Pesto Pasta dish. Then it was the turn for each of the six groups to take up the ‘Kitchen Challenge’ as the name of the event suggests. Each team was given the required ingredients to make the above dishes on their own and a time limit of forty five minutes was set to perform the task.
The environment was filled with excitement when team members of all six groups enthusiastically supported each other in preparing the dishes ensuring it is done within the set time period which resulted in a friendly yet a challenging competition and at the end, each team was successful in preparing a delightful dish. The three best teams were selected by the chefs based on a set criterion and the awards for the winners were given away by the District Rotaract Representative Rtr. PP Anuradha Senanayake. 
At the end of a fun filled competition, everyone got the opportunity to learn the art of cooking, working as a team, facing competition and made lifelong friendships during the course of it. As the day’s proceedings came to an end, everyone gathered was overjoyed and was looking forward to the next joint meeting. Finally, everyone marked the end of a memorable day by posing for a group photograph.

Rotaractors posing for the Group photograph

Written By:

Rtr. Dulni Gooneratne 
Club Member

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