Project “Ocean Bliss” was all about this unknown world, what we have done to it, and what should be done. When we heard the Ocean say, “I’m such a mystery that more than 80 percent of me is never seen by any eyes and still remains a secret to myself”, we started conveying them to you from the 30th of August 2021 and continued telling all the whisperings of those waves throughout a month via a social media awareness campaign which consists of 15 posts in total.
The Ocean is a chest of treasures with jewels that cannot be priced. The mysterious deep-sea no eyes have ever seen, the rainforests of the ocean which we call as coral reefs, the jellyfish who are seniors to even dinosaurs, and many more wonders hidden under and unseen above those blue foamy tides cannot be limited to a simple list.
We beautifully presented them to you turned the bitter next page with the question asked by that majestic ocean “Why am I not given the care I deserve?” from the 7th post onwards. And what do you think is the answer we could give to that question? When we are feeding the plastic we put away to baby turtles, releasing plastic into the ocean that would take 500 to 1000 years to decompose, causing water to catch which is just unbelievable, killing around 300,000 majestic creatures on Earth such as Whales and innocent creatures such as Dolphins every year, making the coral reefs pay the cost of our mistakes resulting in them disappearing in around just 2 decades, and doing many more saddening disasters to this marine system the only answer we could give is NO! bringing all these into your attention we presented the results of this in a nutshell via the 9th post.
But then again, it was reminded that there is still time to make a change. To join hands with all those beautiful souls out there who are striving to make a change. With this reminder, Ocean Bliss concluded its campaign on the 3rd of October 2021 with the hope that it did make a change in your heart too in regards to this.
“Don’t look upon me. But look within. I’m not just waves and foam. I’m the life and home. It’s high time you start caring for me or else I might vanish before you see” – The Ocean
Written By:-
Rtr. Zahra Zuhri
(Member 2021-22)
Edited By:-
Rtr. Mithushi Kathriarachchi
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)