The orientation program of our club for the term 2016/17, was held on the 19th of November at the New Arts Theater, University of Colombo. This year’s orientation was indeed a significant milestone of the club, which witnessed the collaboration of all three batches in creating a day filled with knowledge, fun and countless memories.

The day kicked off with an introduction about the objective of the orientation by our Membership Development Directors, Rtr. Chathurika Wijerathne  and Rtr. Shenali Fernando, which was followed by the most important item on the agenda; an introduction to the Rotaract movement and its avenues. This was conducted by our very own Club Guide Director and District Member Development Director Rtr. PP Krishan Balaji and District Club Service Director Rtr. PP Punith Gunasekara. 

The first half of the session was indeed fruitful to all present, especially the newly joined members, to understand the roots of Rotaract, its hierarchy and almost all the important facts there is to know about

The second half of the day saw the incorporation of the ‘Sustainability Development Goals’ into action, along with the district theme “Vision to Action”, where the members were divided into teams and were given the task of planning a project for a specific Sustainability Development Goal.  This was also a perfect platform for the new members to bond with the rest of the club and to understand the procedures involved in planning a project such as appointing Chairpersons, drafting project proposals, presenting etc. Each team was then evaluated by a panel of judges comprising of Rtr. PP Punith Gunasekara, President Rtr. Chisteena Hiruni Perera and Secretary Rtr. Thilini Leeniyagolla. The best project was then decided to be implemented along with the winning team as the official committee in the following quarter.

Next, was the bonding session among the members where the teams battled it out against one another across a series of fun games, which saw the entire club joining together and creating memories. The winners of the SDG projects as well as the fun activities were given gifts for their efforts in making their respective teams come on top.

The day’s proceedings came to an end with the group photo of the club which saw one of the biggest turn ups of members for an orientation program and was a productive workshop for all the participants.


Special thanks go out to DRR Rtr. PP Mohamed Husni for the support extended in organizing the orientation programme, Rtr. PP Krishan Balaji and Rtr. PP Punith Gunasekara for taking the time off their busy schedules to enlighten our club members as to what Rotaract really is and specially all the members who took part, without whom the orientation would not have been a success.

Written By-

photo Rtr. Dishan Leo
Vice President 2016/17

  photo Rtr. Marky Sandaruwan
Co-Director – Public Relations 2016/17 


Clicks By-

photo Rtr. G. D. Shehan Salinda
Club Member 

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