RELIVE’19 – අමතක නොවන දවසක්

Here’s what a few of our members had to say about Project Relive :


“Living? What does it mean? Is it only breathing? What do we need to live? Is it just water, food, and shelter?

The simple answer is “NO”.

Where there is no care, love, affection, attention and appreciation, there’s no life. To live peacefully, you need them all.

Some of them are blessed to receive these life’s gifts in abundance. However, some of them unfortunately don’t and among them are most of the innocent souls in elderly homes. They deserve and need more love and attention. 

This is why the Rotaract Club of the University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance came up with project “Relive” on the 4th of October 2019 to commemorate “International Elders’ Day”.

“To care for those who once cared is one of the highest honors indeed”

This year, RACUOCFMF chose the “Home for the Elders” elders’ home  located in Borella to “Relive” the merry times of the good old days of the elders residing there.

Our club members gathered at the elders’ home at around 9.30 a.m. and we all were filled with the hope, enthusiasm and determination to bring a genuine, wide smile on to each of their faces.

Firstly, we served them refreshments and then we took the opportunity to have a chat with them while they enjoyed it.

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Afterwards came the most heartwarming session – The outdoor sing-along session with them. All of us enjoyed, especially them as they were given the chance to sing their favorite songs too! A special thankyou goes out to Kisal Lamahewa and Rtr. Kulani Salgado for taking the initiative to enliven this session. Witnessing them sing and clap along brought us pleasure beyond words and it was a truly amusing sight. They wished us all the happiness in the world and we did the same.

They who once cared, is someone’s father, mother or mentor. Above all, they are “Someone”.

It is our utmost responsibility to take care of them, especially when they need us.

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In conclusion comes a collective humble request and reminder to all readers. Always be there to listen and to care for the the elders around you starting from your parents at home. Sometimes it may seem convenient to take them to an elders’ home. Yet we believe that it can never be the best option. One of the most precious gifts you can give someone is the gift of love and attention when its needed.

Image Courtesy: Sanjana D. Wanigasekara Photography

Here’s how Rtr. Gayan Perera unfolded his thoughts about “Relive”.

ඉපදුන දා පටන්, අම්මගේ  තාත්තගේ ආදරේට මිනුම් දුන්න මිනිසුන්ට, ටිකෙන් ටික, අඩියෙන් අඩිය, ලොකුවෙද්දී, වෙන වෙන, ආදර කතා හරි හරියට ලොකු වෙලා, අම්මගේ තාත්තගේ ආදරය කුස්සියේ මුල්ලකට විසික් වෙන හැටි, හැමදාම අපි දකිනවා අත්විදිනවා..හැමදේම බලන් ඉන්න විතරක් පුරුදු වෙලා ඉන්න අපි, වෙන කවුරු හරි “System” එක වෙනස් කරනකන් බලන් ඉන්නවා විතරක් නෙමෙයි, ඒවාට හරි හරියට උපදෙස්, උල්පන්දම් දෙන්නත් පුරුදු වෙලා ඉන්නවා.

අනාථ මඩම්, අනාථ නිවාස නැති කරල දාන්න ඕනේ කාලේ, මිනිස්සු හරි හරියට අනාථ මඩම් හදන්න ආධාර එකතු කරනවා. වයසට ගිය අම්මව තාත්තව සමාජෙට පෙන්නන්න ලැජ්ජ වෙන, අම්මව බදාගෙන “මං ආදරෙයි අම්මේ” කියල කියන්න ලැජ්ජ වෙන තරුණ තරුණියෝ, තමන්වත් කන්නෙ බොන්නෙ නැතුව තමාගෙ එකම ළමයව ජීවත් කරවන්න, දහඩිය හෙලපු අම්මව තාත්තව, පාරට ඇදල දාන්නේ බල්ලෝ බළල්ලෝ ගානට..

මෙතනින් එහාට කියන හැම දෙයක්ම මේක කියවන ඔබට වචනයක්ම පමණක් වෙනවානම් එහි ඇති ඵලය කුමක් ද?

එන්න අපි හිතන විදිය වෙනස් කරමු.. අලුතින් හිතමු කෘතගුණ සලකන එකිනෙකාට ප්‍රේම කරන යහපත් ආදර්ශමත් සමාජයක් ගොඩ නගමු අපගේ මතු පරපුර වෙනුවෙන්. system එක වෙනස් වෙනනකන් නෙමෙයි අපි “System” එක වෙනස් කරන්න එකතු වෙමු!


English Article Written By: 

Rtr. Shakila Perera
( Club Member – 2019/20 )

Rtr. Parindya Kanthelie
( Club Member – 2019/20 )

Sinhalese Article Written By: 

Rtr. Gayan Perera
( Co-Director Digital Communication – 2019/20 )

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