Romanticizing Dark Romance

These days many teenage girls and young women between 14 and above are drawn to dark romance stories. Books, movies and TV shows often show unhealthy relationships in a way that makes them look exciting and desirable. They make things like jealousy, violence and manipulation seem romantic. While these stories may be fun to watch or read they can create dangerous ideas about love and relationships in real life.

Dark romance stories often focus on a “bad boy” character. He is shown as mysterious, rude and sometimes violent but he has a soft spot that he only shows to the girl he loves. These characters are often gangsters, mafia bosses or tough guys with tattoos.Movies and books like Fifty Shades of Grey, 360 days and After show these men as scary and cruel to others but sweet and caring toward the female lead. This makes young girls believe that dangerous behavior can be forgiven if someone loves you deeply. Many even think they can change a bad boy with their love just like the characters do in these stories. In real life controlling and violent behavior is a big red flag in relationships. It is not romantic. Instead it’s a sign of an unhealthy and toxic relationship.

When young girls see toxic relationships being shown as passionate and romantic in books and movies they might think this kind of love is normal. They may start to believe that being jealous, controlling or even abusive is okay in a relationship.

Some stories like It Ends with Us do try to show the problems with toxic relationships. However even these stories sometimes make unhealthy behavior seem romantic which sends mixed messages to readers and viewers.

The media plays a huge role in shaping how young people think about love and relationships. When movies and books keep showing toxic relationships as romantic it can confuse young people about what healthy love looks like. Most of these stories end with the bad boy changing his ways because of love. This is not realistic. In real life abusive behavior rarely changes overnight and it is not something anyone should tolerate in hopes of fixing their partner. This issue needs more attention. Media creators need to be more careful about how they show relationships. They should focus on healthy relationships that are based on respect, trust and kindness.

Parents and teachers also have a role to play. They should talk to young people about what a healthy relationship looks like. Schools can include lessons on relationships to help students understand the difference between love and control.Romanticizing dark romance in books and movies might seem harmless but it can lead to big problems in real life. Love should never involve violence, control or fear. Young girls need to know that real love is about respect, care and equality not danger and drama. It’s important for all of us to think carefully about the messages we get from the media and to promote healthier ideas about relationships.

Written By: –





Rtr. Lihansa Edirisinghe
(Co-Editor 2024-25)

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Rtr. Umesh Eranda Pannilavithana
(Junior Blog Member 2024-25)

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