Rotaractor of the Quarter ( 4th Quarter – 2019/20 ) – Arshad Sufi Ismail

Congratulations Rtr. Arshad!! A well deserving achievement indeed!! Rtr. Arshad has been one of the pillars of strength within the past couple of months. From suggesting innovative project ideas to executing it to his best possible ability, he has proven the fact that he is a true RACUOCFMFer. Thank you Rtr. Arshad for always suggesting the best for the club. We really appreciate the fact that you always go an extra mile to ensure that all projects are executed in the best possible manner. We are sure that you’ll do your best in the future as well. Congratulations on your achievement and we wish you nothing but the best in all your future endeavors!



Written By:

Rtr. Shehani Leo
(President – 2019/20)

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