Rtr Idusha Basnayake
Rtr Idusha, considered to be the right-hand dependable, helping out with the public relations team throughout the last year. Her “will do” attitude has always benefited the club, which showed her commitment. Her creativity and punctuality shined through her performance. She was always praised by her peers for the amazing support extended. Rtr. Idusha we believe in you and we believe in the colour you can add to our club.
Congratulations Rtr. Idusha, RACUOCFMF is proud of you!
Rtr Afkar Saleem
The multitalented Rtr Afkar is versatile as he is introduced. He is one of the best moderators of the club, showing his colours during many internal events. Rtr Afkar chaired the project Imagine Tomorrow, and his coordination and leading skills were witnessed through his performance. His creative writing and editing skills have astonished the viewers of Rotaract. The determined individual shined as he performs and participates during a lot of internal and external Rotaract events. We appreciate your hard work and hope you will shine the same in the future.
Congratulations Rtr. Afkar, RACUOCFMF is proud of you!
Rtr Sandali Jayasinghe
Rtr Sandali another powerhouse of the club with a lot of energy and enthusiasm. She co-chaired project Desi Raat 3.0 and Project Gamwardenaya, giving her fullest contribution proving how passionate she is when it comes to Rotaract. Her leadership and coordination abilities were seen during her co-chairing experiences, and she was a team player everyone wanted for their committee. She is a talented young lady with a great potential to achieve success, and we believe she will apply her talent to do the best for the club.
Congratulations Rtr. Sandali! RACUOCFMF is proud of you!
Rtr Haritha Jayaweera
Rtr. Haritha yet another talent we identified during the last year. He co-chaired project mind brigade showing the leader within him. He lent his hand during RCL registrations and T For Me selling process and was praised by the board of directors for his effort and commitment. Participating in many internal and external events showed his enthusiasm to retain in the Rotaract movement. We believe in his skills and his energy will take this club to the next level.
Congratulations Rtr. Haritha! RACUOCFMF is proud of you!
Written By:-

Rtr. Aamina Ismail
(President – 2020/21)