Rotaractors Of The Month (March- 2023) – Rtr. Dewmini, Rtr. Binuri


Rtr. Dewmini Weerasinghe

Introducing Dewmini the Co-chair of project Charizo an initiative by Public Relations Avenue. Dewmini is a hard-working individual who is really good with people and handling her team. She did her best to complete the work on time and had fantastic coordination skills. She was really dedicated and did her very best to make the project a success.

We at RACUOCFMF are proud of making and having such a person like Dewmini and would congratulate her on being recognized as the Rotaractor of the month of March.

Rtr. Binuri Dasanayake

Here is Binuri the other Co-chair of Project Charizo. Binuri is a very confident, dedicated individual who always worked her best for the success of the project. Binuri is a great team player and also gets the work done on time. She had excellent coordination skills when dealing with various businesses for the project.

We at RACUOCFMF are proud of making and having such a person like Binuri and would congratulate her on being recognized as the Rotaractor of the month of March.

Written By:-





Rtr. Subhavi Kariyawasam

(Co-Director Membership Development 2022-23)





Rtr. Senuri Dayarathna

(Co-Director Membership Development 2022-23)

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