Sand-tastic 2.0


Sand-tastic 2.0, a green life initiative by our club along with the Interact clubs of St. Peters College and Nalanda College, was held on the 01st of April, 2017, for the second consecutive year.

The project which was registered under the “Clean Up The World” campaign of the United Nations, was focused on cleaning a 2.5 km stretch of Dehiwala – Mt.Lavinia coastal belt, as a part of the club’s battle against the accumulation of micro plastics in the ocean, which was named as an emerging environmental concern by the United Nations Environmental Program.

The Cleanup
A 2.5 km stretch of the coastal belt from Dehiwala railway station to Mt. Lavinia railway station was divided into 5 parts. Thereafter, the participants which exceeded 100 were divided and allocated to the above 5 areas. It was interesting to see how the Rotaractors, Interactors and the volunteers worked hand in hand to complete this immense task successfully.


After Party 

Having completed the beach cleanup, it was then time for all the participants to mingle with each other. The event started with a number of fun games including coconut bowling and beach tug-of-war, for which everyone participated with enthusiasm. The night was then filled with music by a DJ, to which everyone danced to relax their body and mind. 

We would like to thank our sponsors for the invaluable contribution extended for the successful completion of the project;  

  • Hospitality partner – Berjaya Hotels
  • Transportation partner – Uber
  • Beverage partner – Buffalo, Pepsi & Nestle                               
  • Photography partner – Xtream Youth
  • Media partner – ITN
  • Other – HNB, SPC, Red Fox, & Olu Water

We would also like to thank the Rotaract District, Interact District, Rotaract clubs, Interact clubs and all the volunteers who joined hands with us to make this event a success.

Finally, we would like to congratulate the chair persons of the project; Rtr. Uvini Liyanage, Rtr. Dinithi Cooray and the Interact Clubs of St. Peters College and Nalanda College on a job well done.

Written  By: 
Rtr. Chamini Abeysekara
Club Member 


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