Speak Up and Succeed Day


In the modern era, effective communication plays a significant role in every facet of our lives. Possessing the ability to confidently articulate one’s thoughts is an exceedingly valuable skill.

“Speak Up and Succeed Day” is a celebration dedicated to encouraging individuals to learn how to communicate, share ideas, and thoughts, and pave the path to personal and professional growth. It is annually celebrated on the fourth Tuesday of January and this year it is celebrated on the 23rd of January. This occasion highlights the significance of speaking up confidently in the workplace, social settings, or in personal lives. Mary-Ellen Drummond, a renowned speaker, and author established “Speak Up and Succeed Day”. This celebration encourages an open, meaningful, and respectful way of expressing oneself.“Speak Up and Succeed Day” provides an opportunity to navigate the complexities in today’s interconnected world. Frequently, It is witnessed that a significant number of individuals have a fear of public speaking often stemming the concerns about judgment and lacking confidence. Nearly around 75% have a fear of public speaking. In other words, at least 3 in a group of 4 members will admit that they are terrified to speak up in a public setting. This special day serves as a platform to overcome the barriers of public speaking by conducting workshops and seminars that would assist individuals in boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem. To receive formal training in public speaking individuals could join interactive clubs like Toastmasters.

Effective communication is a fundamental element for any organization. “Speak Up and Succeed Day” provides a chance for employers to encourage open and honest dialogue and to create an environment in which the employees will be able to express their opinions safely and efficiently. Consequently, this enhances employee motivation, morale, productivity, and engagement and assists in better team collaboration.On this special occasion, we should also remember one of the notable figures who succeeded through the art of public speaking, Martin Luther King Jr. He was an American Christian minister, activist, and political philosopher who was one of the most prominent leaders in the civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. King’s most famous speech “I Have a Dream” delivered during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28th, 1963, was one of the pivotal moments in the civil rights movement and remains one of the most iconic speeches of American history. In 1964, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, The John Dewey Award, from the United Federation of Teachers, and The John F. Kennedy Award, from the Catholic Interracial Council of Chicago. The enduring legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. exemplifies the transformative influence of language, and he sets an example of how speaking up confidently would have a greater impact on the world at large.“Speak Up and Succeed Day” is all about intellect and honing your abilities and skills to succeed in every endeavor either professionally or personally. This day also reminds us that everyone has unique opinions and thoughts that deserve to be voiced out. So, let us mark this day by recognizing the strength of our voices, encouraging others to speak up, and collaboratively leading to a prosperous future characterized by empowerment and success.

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Rtr. Shimra Shamil
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)


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Onasha Fernando

Good one❤️👍