The 20th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent

The 20th Installation ceremony of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent was held on the 23rd of August at the Russian Cultural Centre. On behalf of our club Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardena and Rtr. Ruzni Faik attended the event. This installation ceremony of the club is considered significant as this portrays the revival of the club. 

Rtr. Ruzni & Rtr. Nilukshi at the Installation ceremony

The ceremony began with the welcome address presented by the Project Chairperson and the Club Service Director, Rtr. Tahanie Yu. Following this the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura Wickramatileka spoke about the past year of the club and how they went through the revival process of bringing the club back to its feet. He highlighted the fact that they did not want to have an installation ceremony last year but instead to focus their efforts on a few community service projects. The signature project was “Project with a difference”. This is a concert organized for the differently abled children, where both the audience as well as the performers were these gifted kids. 

Rtr. Chathura reminded that Rotaract is a voluntary organization and thus should be driven by volunteerism. Next the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura Wickramatileka collared the Incoming President Rtr. Dinusha De S. Wijeyeratne. Rtr. Chathura mentioned that Rtr. Dinusha has been the key player in reviving the club. Rtr. Dinusha has been instrumental in getting in new members to the club and thereby increasing the strength of the club. 

Incoming President Rtr. Dinusha Wijeyeratne rewind to the past and reminded us about the high standards the club had set since its inception in 1995 by charter President of the club Rtr. PHF Kumudu Warnakulasuriya, who now is a well-recognized personality not only in Rotary Sri Lanka but worldwide. Rtr. Dinusha however mentioned that the club has not been able to maintain such standard in the recent past but reassures that they will bounce back strong. She compares their transition process to that of the Sri Lankan Cricket Team, which is trying to transform into a brand new team post the retirement of the legends Sangakkara and Mahela. Thus Rtr. Dinusha is happy that she and her board are given the leadership to guide the club towards its evolution and lay a foundation in which the future boards of the club can thrive on. Before she introduced her board for the year she quoted the following statement made by the Rotary International President Rtn. K. R. Ravindran;

“You have ONE year to take that potential and turn it into a reality. You have ONE year to lead the clubs of your District and transform the lives of the others. You have ONE year to build monuments that will endure forever, carved not in granite or marble but in the hearts and lives of generations to come”

The Board of Directors 2015/16 of Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent

  • President- Rtr. Dinusha De S. Wijeyeratne
  • Immediate Past President- Rtr. Chathura Wickramatileka
  • Secretary- Rtr. Nilushika Wittachy
  • Community Service Director- Rtr. Savini Iddamalgoda
  • Club Service Director- Rtr. Tahanie Yu
  • Professional Development Director- Rtr. Ashni Perera
  • International Understanding Director- Rtr. Saarah Bawa

“Nothing is impossible! The word itself says I’m Possible!” says the DRR Rtr. PHF Sathyendra Tharmakulerajasingham in opening his address. He stated that Rotaract enables a person to think out of the box, justified by the Outgoing President Rtr. Chathura who has gone through all the challenges in successfully reviving the club. He further spoke about the legacy of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent which has produced 3 DRRs. He then invited everyone to “Celebrate Rotaract” which is the theme of the Rotaract District this year. He called everyone to celebrate Diversity by remembering the famous quote by the Cricket Legend Kumar Sangakkara who incidentally played his last innings during the installation day;

“I am Tamil, I’m Sinhalese, I’m Muslim and Burgher. I’m a Buddhist, I’m a Hindu, a follower of Islam and Christianity. But above all, today and always I will be, proudly, Sri Lankan.” 

Next up was one of the most creative entertainment item we had seen, the members of the Club came together on stage and beautifully sang the classic Pocahontas.

The Guest of Honor Rtn. PHF Kumudu Warnakulasuriya played a multitude of roles during the day. He is not only from the Rotary club sponsoring the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent but is also the Rotary adviser to the club. On top of these he is the charter President of the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent, where he got together with a few Interactors in 1995 to form this club. He addressed the gathering by conveying the story of a cockroach which was told by the new CEO of Google Sundar Pitchai. The lesson behind the story is that sometimes everyone is faced with the same situation but the way we react and respond to it differs between each of us. Hence it is important that we face the situation positively and overcome the challenges.

The Chief Guest, President of the Rotary Club of Colombo, Rtn. Rohan Karunaratne highlighted the fact that Rotaract is only a training for Rotary, so it’s important that each Rotaractor goes on to join Rotary. He mentioned that sometimes Rotaract Clubs do better projects than Rotary Clubs. Therefore it does not matter how small you are but what matters is what you do and the impact you create. He urged every Rotarator to encourage their friends and get them into joining Rotaract.

The floor was then open for felicitations and on behalf of our club Secretary Rtr. Nilukshi Jayawardena congratulated and conveyed the best wishes to the incoming President Rtr. Dinusha de S. Wijeyeratne and her Board.

Rtr. Ruzni and Rtr. Nilukshi with incoming President Rtr. Dinusha De S. Wijeyeratne

The Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance congratulates the Rotaract Club of Colombo Regent for a successful installation ceremony and wishes the club all the best for the year 2015/16.

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