Twenties, a bitter pill to digest.

Twenties is that time of life when individuals undergo the transition from childhood to becoming a grown young man or woman. People go through several stages of life similar to this, but I feel this is the most crucial transition that a person has to experience. Even though the changes and decisions made by people may vary with their social status and the environment they live in, there are some common changes people must accept.

For me, realizing that I am no longer a child is the hardest pill to swallow. It takes time for me to adjust to this. This is more or less similar in the lives of my peers. Leaving toys behind, saying goodbye to the playful evenings till dusk and enjoying school vacations with friends are the most painful aspects of moving on from childhood. A flurry of memories hits me when I see children doing the things I used to do in the past. I have learned to replace these with the responsibilities that rest on my shoulders as I step into my twenties.

School friends still stick together and usually, they remain for a long time. The friends we meet in our twenties tend to appear in life for shortened periods. They come and go, becoming strangers in no time. You share your life with them, and suddenly everything turns topsy-turvy. People react to this differently. For some, it is normal to leave people behind, but for others, it is not.

In summary, it is wise to choose people wisely and never make your life’s happiness or decisions depend on these fleeting friendships.Early twenties serve as a rehearsal for what’s next in the late twenties. But is it only the late twenties? That’s a rhetorical question.

People must choose their career paths, their life partners, and, importantly, the foundation for their future happiness. This might not be the case for everybody out there, but for a wide majority, life is not a bed of roses. These decisions are crucial.Once upon a time, I wished for my twenties to arrive soon. Now I’m in my twenties, reminiscing about childhood.

Life is a roller coaster and being excited to experience what is in store for us in the future is the best way to approach life.

Written By: –





Rtr. Lochana Perera
(Senior Blog Team Member 2024-25)

Edited By: –





Rtr. Umesh Eranda Pannilavithana
(Junior Blog Member 2024-25)

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