World Drowning Prevention Day


Every year, thousands of lives around the world are lost to drowning. It’s a heartbreaking reality that affects families and communities around the world. World Drowning Prevention Day, observed on July 25th, is a global initiative dedicated to spreading awareness about this preventable tragedy. This day highlights the importance of water safety, shares lifesaving tips, and encourages everyone to take action to save lives.

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional death, especially among children and young adults in low and middle income countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 90% of drowning deaths occur in these regions, with children under five being the most vulnerable. This tragic loss of life is preventable, making the efforts of World Drowning Prevention Day all the more critical. World Drowning Prevention Day aims to change this by raising awareness about the dangers of enjoying water, whether it’s taking a refreshing dip in a lake on a hot summer day, splashing around in a backyard pool, or exploring the underwater world. This includes educating communities on water safety, stressing the importance of adult supervision around water, and teaching basic swimming and rescue skills. These simple actions can make a world of difference.

Several global organizations, including the WHO and UNICEF, are working tirelessly with governments and local communities to implement drowning prevention programs. These programs are not just about education but also about building a culture of safety around water.

On World Drowning Prevention Day, individuals and organizations are encouraged to, 

  • Use your social media platforms to spread awareness about water safety and drowning prevention. Use hashtags like #DrowningPrevention and #WaterSafety. Share infographics, articles, and personal stories to highlight the importance of this cause. Websites like WHO’s Drowning Prevention offer valuable resources to share.
  • Donate to or volunteer with organizations that provide swimming lessons, CPR training, and water safety education. 
  • Contact your local representatives and urge them to prioritize drowning prevention measures. Push for better water safety infrastructure and training programs in your community.

By coming together to raise awareness, educate our communities, and implement effective strategies, we can reduce the global burden of drowning. This July 25th, let’s unite in our commitment to saving lives and preventing tragedies in our communities.

Written By:





Rtr. Prabashi Kurugamage
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

Edited By:





Rtr. Thisara Kuruppuarachchi
(Blog Team Member 2024-25)

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