After the arrival of the chief guest, official proceedings of the ceremony commenced with the lighting of the traditional oil lamp. The dignitaries took their places at the head table and all rose for the National Anthem which was then taken up by the Routine Rotaract Formalities; The Flag Salutation, Rotaract Invocation, Four-way test, and the Rotaract Song.
Next up, the podium was open to the Secretary for the RI year 2021-22, Rtr. Pasan Haritha in which he presented the secretary’s report highlighting the successful projects carried out by the club during the past RI year. Next, a recap video of the club was witnessed to walk down the memory lane throughout the victorious year.
Afterwards, the Outgoing President Rtr. Rashmika Prasad addressed the gathering and shared a glimpse of his experience as the President of the club, for the RI year 2021-22. Further, he thanked every member of his Executive committee and Board of directors for their commitment to taking the club to great heights.
Afterward, the most anticipated moment of the ceremony arrived. Rtr. Rashmika Silva gracefully collared Rtr. Pasan Haritha as the President for the year 2022-23 and handed over the duties and responsibilities.
The newly appointed President Rtr. Pasan Haritha was invited to share a few words and introduced his Executive Board and Board of Directors for 2022-23.
The Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the RI year 2022-23 are as follows.
President – Rtr. Pasan Harutha
Immediate Past President – Rtn. Rtr. Rashmika Silva
Vice President – Rtr. Praveen Peiris
Vice President – Rtr. Supun Geeganage
Joint Secretary – Rtr. Nishela Sirimanne
Joint Secretary – Rtr. Roshni Shemaya
Treasurer – Rtr. Chethaka Hisella
Sergeant At Arms – Rtr. Harindu Anujaya
Co-Director of Club Service – Rtr. Roshan Madaligan
Co-Director of Club Service – Rtr. Anujith Perera
Director of Community Service – Rtr. Dasith Wijesinghe
Director of International Service – Rtr. Dexter Peiris
Director of Professional Development – Rtr. Chamal Cooray
Co-Director of Public Relations – Rtr. Piyumantha Perera
Co-Director of Public Relations – Rtr. Dinithi Ratnayake
Co-Director of Finance – Rtr. Yasindu Piyaratne
Co-Director of Finance – Rtr. Sachini Perera
On the lineup, District Rotaract Representative Rtn. Rtr. PP Ahamed Hussain addressed the gathering. He congratulated Rtr. Rashmika Silva for a job well done last year while wishing the best of luck to the Incoming President and his Board of directors. After that, District Rotaract Chair Rtn. PP Farzana Khan and PDRR. Rtn. Rtr. PP Kasun Sigera addressed the gathering.
Thereupon, the Chief Guest for the evening Rtn. Radley Stevens shared a few words with the audience. In his speech, he mentioned about how Rotaractors should be proud and happy to be part in such a movement and how it helps a person to get the training and opportunity to practice leadership, project management, and teamwork. He also mentioned that one should have clear life goals for the long term and be passionate about what one does. He emphasized that whether it is a job or a social service, we should enjoy what we do or else we would regret it in the future.
Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by the Secretary for the RI year 2022 -23. The memorable evening came to an end after the stage was open for felicitations and then followed by refreshments and continued fellowship.
It was indeed a great delight for the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management and Finance to be part of this glorious ceremony and we would like to extend our heartiest wishes to Rtr. Pasan Haritha and his Board of Directors for a successful year ahead!

Written By:-
Rtr. Dinuvi Sellahewa
(General Member – 2022-23)

Written By:-
Rtr. Agra Gamage
(General Member – 2022-23)

Written By:-
Rtr. Venumi Kuruppu
(General Member – 2022-23)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Dinithi Fonseka
(Blog Team Member 2022-23)