The 12th of July 2015 was the day that made history with the commencement of the official blog of RACUOCFMF by Rtr. Ruzni Faik along with Rtr Bhashini Gamage with 100 blog posts and brought home the first-ever gold award for the most outstanding club blog. Thereafter, Rtr Isuru Alahakoon and Rtr. Dilini Perera at the wheel of the ship in 2016-17, Rtr. Sarala Gunawardena and Rtr. Pramodhya Abesekara continued the legacy in 2017-18, Rtr Shafeeka Hafeez and Rtr Achini Dayarathne led the sail in 2018-19, Rtn Rtr Aamina Ismail and Rtr Aloka Weerawardane planted the flag of 500 000 blog views in 2019-20, Rtr. Arshad Ismail and Rtr Vineli Hadapangoda in 2020-21 and then Rtr. Thirandi Dharmawardhana and Rtr Afkar Saleem reached historic milestones and dreaming of more in 2021-2022 featuring the blog with 170 posts took the ship from 740k blog views to the once in lifetime 1 000 000 blog views. In the RI Year 2022-23 Rtr. Hasara Nadee Shakya and Rtr. Zahra Zuhri successfully relaunched the club blog as “FMF Blog” while also taking the clubs to new heights by taking the total number of blog articles past the 1000 mark while also surpassing more than 1.2 million blog views. Now under the supervision of Rtr. Amaan Thaha and Rtr. Mandini Gabadage the blog has reached a historical milestone of 1.5 million blog views and 1400 blog articles. They have published more than 365 blog articles for the RI year 2023-24.