Center Stage 2024 – Rtr. PP Adheeban Gowrishankar


In the second episode of Center Stage 2024 Edition, we’ve got a phenomenal Rotaract personality joining us. His leadership skills and dedication to humanitarian efforts have not only inspired fellow Rotaractors but have also left a positive imprint on the communities. The Rotaract District Secretary, Rtr. PP Adheeban Gowrishankar joined us for a lively interview with Rtr. Ushanth Jayakumar. Don’t miss this exciting conversation as we explore deeply into the Rotaract District Secretary, Rtr. PP Adheeban Gowrishankar’s journey and also his not-so-secret life.

Here are some questions we asked him, and his thoughtful answers to them:

How does Rotaract promote diversity and inclusion within its membership and activities?

So, within Rotaract, you don’t care about where people are coming from, or what people are doing. You don’t care about their background. You just get together, have fun, and do projects together and all that. So, yeah. Rotaract is an open platform for anyone who builds themselves to connect with others and you know, build their network.

How can we involve club members in decision-making processes related to development activities?

Right. So, I guess something in my term that we introduced was the concept of project organizing committees which wasn’t there. Initially, it was just gathering a bunch of random Rotaractors who were willing to join the project and do it. But in our year, we introduced this whole concept of them having to apply for a project. Applying for different roles and all that. So, in that way, we get to see what areas they like to work in and also, we get to decide which they need more improvement in and focus on that while they work on projects.

Stay tuned and keep watching to find out who will be the next star of the CENTER STAGE!

Hosted By:





Rtr. Ushanth Jayakumar
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Written By:





Rtr. Vimarshee Gunawardana
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

Compiled By:





Rtr. Mohamed Muad
(General Member 2023-24)

Edited By:





Rtr. Pamodi Hewawasam
(Junior Blog Team Member 2023-24)

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