Center Stage – Rtr. Harindee Fernando

In the second episode of the crowd-favorite series : Center Stage 2020, we interviewed the shy lady behind the desk, the always smiling District Secretary, Rtr. Harindee Fernando. She also has a tendency to think a lot. Like, A LOT! ( You’ll know when you watch the video ;p ) 

Watch the video here:

Here are a few more questions we asked her, and her interesting answers to those:

According to you, how can a Rotaractor make use of their Rotaract experience in their lives?

I see two sides in Rotaract, which are you can develop yourself and you can do something to the society. What I didn’t have before was personal development, which I got after I joined Rotaract. If you want to serve the society, it’s like a give and take. When you give, you get that also in return. So as a Rotaractor, you get both.

In life should you focus on the positives first or negatives first? Explain why.

I think you should first make sure that you eliminate the negatives, and then focus on the positives that make you happy.

For Episode 1 click on: Center Stage – DRR Rtr. PP Krishan Balaji

Stay tuned to find out who’ll take the Center Stage next!




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