In the very second episode of the popular series: Center Stage 2021, we interviewed the lady behind the District minutes, the always friendly District Secretary, Rtr. Kayalvili Mathawaram. She also has the tendency of going late to certain events purposely. Almost, all the time. (Is it the Rotaract events or the Non-Rotaract events? You’ll find out when you watch the video :p)

Watch the video to get caught up in all that fun!

Here are a few more questions we asked her, and her imperative answers to those:

How do you think the experience of serving as a Rotaractor can be used in one’s life outside Rotaract?

It gives you a lot of patience and if you are attached to corporate life, you will have to have a work-life balance and you will meet different kinds of people where they might trigger you for so many things. Rotaract will definitely give you the patience and strength to face any kind of situation in your life. And you will stand strong even when you are alone.

If you could give a piece of advice to future Rotaractors, what would it be?

It’s not a social service platform, but it’s more of a learning platform where you can improve yourself and work towards the improvement of the community together.

Missed out on the first episode of Center Stage? CLICK HERE to check out what our very own DRR. Rtr. Kasun had to say !!

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