Feliz Navidad 2021

One freezy December 25th in Bethlehem, Lord Jesus Christ was born to Joseph and Mary in a crude stable. We, Billions of people all around the world celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ on the Christmas day, 25th December. Be it a Christian home or not, Christmas season brings joy to every home. Christmas is such a celebration which individuals celebrate worldwide despite it being a Christian celebration. It is the essence of this festival which is to unite people.

The tale goes on… Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, where Joseph and Mary were offered a stable when no place was to be found. Mother Mary wrapped the Jesus Christ in strips of cloths and placed him in a manger to keep him in warmth. Praising and glorifying the God, angels appeared before the shepherds, who were tending their flock of sheep in a close by field and proclaimed the birth of the newborn child. Shepherds hurried to the crude stable to witness the birth of the newborn Messiah; the anointed one who delivered mankind from its sins; the savior.

Not only the shepherds, three kings from the east saw the great star and travelled thousands of miles, knowing that the star signified the birth of the newborn king. They arrived at the stable following the great star and worshipped Jesus Christ offering valuable gifts. Throughout the churches and Catholic homes, Celebrating Christmas people make a Christmas crib representing this birth story of Jesus Christ as a tradition, which was first created by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1223.

Although there are a number of other traditions starting with attending the Christmas mass, Decorating the Christmas tree, Making the Christmas crib, Nativity play, exchanging gifts & Christmas cards, sharing meals with family & friends, Caroling and a lot more other and all of these traditions have just the same purpose, the “Togetherness among all”. During Advent season; 4 weeks before Christmas, Christians light a candle each week symbolizing the weekly themes Hope, Love, Peace & Joy. That’s why we hear it a lot that Christmas is the season of Hope, Love, Peace & Joy.

Talking about Christmas, there’s someone we can’t forget, our favourite of all Santa Claus! Santa is so popular among all as he saves the day not forgetting to spread joy by giving each and every one of us our very special Christmas gift. In his huge red bag, he’s got space for all our gifts! P.S. Except the naughty you…

Adding more to the legend of Santa, Saint Nicholas is nicknamed as Santa Claus for his anonymous gift-giving. Santa used to bring gifts to children on Christmas eve despite they’re naughty or nice. What more to do other than this to spread joy, so continuing the tradition won’t harm anyone.

Today we are living in the 21st century. Modern-day Christmas traditions are identical to the past ones, but today, people have made some modern rules. People decorate their houses and fill up everywhere with Christmas lights and decos. People make Christmas cards for their loved ones and Christmas cakes to share among all expanding the love and harmony. Today, many kids do write letters to Santa, asking what they wanted for Christmas. On Christmas morning they wouldn’t miss “Christmas morning family picture” which is one of my favourites.

Christmas is not only a celebration; it goes far beyond. The real meaning of Christmas is to spread love, peace and joy and honour it joyfully. So Lets make the 2021 Christmas a memorable and a meaningful one together as one!

Cheers to the Christmas 2021!

Merry Christmas All!

Written By:-
Rtr. Dunil Somanayake
(Member 2021-22)

Written By:-
Rtr. Mindya Pravindi
(Member 2021-22)

Edited By:-
Rtr. Shaheni Fonseka
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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