Geek O’ Rotaract

Geek O’ Rotaract was a Rotaract Quiz jointly organized by the Rotaract club of Colombo Mid Town and Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance to commemorate 50 Years of Rotaract in Sri Lanka.

The Quiz consisted of 3 Rounds and there were approximately 125 registrations from not only Sri Lanka, but also from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. During the registration period, we shared Rotaract related facts via our social media platforms to set the tone for Geek O’ Rotaract. With the registrations period coming to a close, there was much hype created!

Afterwards, a Whatsapp group with all the participants was created, to communicate the rules & regulations as well as timing of each round since we had participants from different countries.

Round 1: There were 30 questions and 20 seconds were allocated to answer each question. While racking our brains to answer the questions within the shortest time possible, most of the time, our minds raced back in time to the best Rotaract moments! The constantly changing Leaderboard indicated the level of competition as the “Know it All’s” never gave up at any moment.

The Top 20 scorers made it to Round 2 and among them was our very own DRR for 2019/20, PP. Rtr. Krishan Balaji! And needless to say, he comfortably topped the Quiz Leaderboard too!

Here are 5 Questions from Round 1;

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Round 2: 25 Questions. 20 Seconds for each Question. However in this round, Rtr. Danica Harding from the Rotaract Club of Colombo West became the 1st and the Top 5 scorers including her made it to the Final Round!

Here are 5 Questions from Round 2;

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Final Round: This Round featured 2 Challenges apart from the Quiz! One hour was allocated to complete both!

As part of the first challenge, all contestants had to upload a 1-2 minute long video on their Facebook Profiles about their Rotaract experience and 50 Years of Rotaract in Sri Lanka. A react was given 10 points and a Share was given 20 points.

As part of the second challenge, they had to pitch a new community service project idea within 3-5 minutes. This was conducted through a ZOOM Meeting which was live streamed on Facebook. Assistant District Rotaract Representatives Rtr. Nethmini Medawala and Rtr. Mayukha Abyeratne joined us as Judges in this Round and the following were the criteria used to judge the ideas pitched: 1.Sustainability 2.Innovation  3.Creativity and Innovation  4.SDG Goals Coverage 5.Rough PR Plan

Afterwards, the Finalists faced the Quiz which included 20 Questions with 20 seconds allocated for each Question. After a final calculation of points gained from both challenges and the Quiz, the winner was announced. Accordingly, Rtr. Nimesha Jayamanne from the Rotaract Club of Colombo West emerged as the ultimate Geek’O Rotaract Quiz Champion and was gifted a Pizza as the reward!

Here are 5 Questions from the Final Round;

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Thereafter, the Rotaract Club of University of Colombo, Faculty of Management & Finance along with the Rotaract Club of Colombo Midtown shared the answers for 20 Quiz Questions on social media platforms for a wider reach. We believe that this way the audience comprising both Rotaractors and Non Rotaractors were able to effectively learn more about the movement.

Link to the Rotaract Facts Album:

In conclusion a brief video which featured the golden milestones of Rotaract in Sri Lanka was published. The script for the video was written by Rtr. Vineli Handapangoda from RACUOCFMF and was narrated by Rtr. Aloka Weerawardane yet again from RACUOCFMF. Editing was done by Rtr. Haaziq Fhuazi.

Link to the Video:

At the end, every participant was also emailed a certificate of participation.

This is how RACUOCFMF together with RAC Colombo Mid Town commemorated 50 Years of undisputed service, volunteerism, fellowship and excellence of Rotaract in Sri Lanka! We learned about the Movement. We refreshed our knowledge. We took a walk down the memory lane. And as always, we had our share of fun.

We remain thankful to all the participants and Kudos to the organizing committee!


Written By:
Ovin Bimsara
( Co-Director Professional Development – 2019/20 )

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