“The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability”
– Remy, Ratatouille

As someone who just left school, I stepped into 2020 with many hopes and dreams. I remember thinking “2020 is going to be MY YEAR!” (Yeah, let’s all laugh at that). It turned out to be the complete opposite of what I had imagined. To say that the COVID-19 outbreak changed our lives would be an understatement. I wouldn’t be wrong if I said that it turned our lives into a whole new reality. With schools, workplaces, and public places being closed, we were forced to embrace the “New Normal”.

Being someone who loves going out, travelling, and partying, having to stay at home for weeks on end took its toll on me, and I’m sure it did on everyone. Keeping my sanity intact during these insane times was challenging but let me enlighten you on how I managed to do it.

Family time: Probably the thing I loved best about lockdown – being able to spend more time with family (although they did occasionally drive me mad). The game sessions, karaoke nights, and simply just being with them really helped lift my mood amidst the chaos.

Staying connected with friends: Not being able to meet my friends was really tough, hence it was important to stay connected to them, at least virtually. Thanks to social media platforms, this was made so much easier. Video calls, online gaming sessions, and virtual movie nights, all became a part of my life, and this gave me something to look forward to every day.

Trying out new activities: There were so many things I’ve wanted to try out but never had the time to, but 2020 brought enough time to my hands. I got into meditation and yoga, which was really a life changer for me. It helped me stay fit, both physically and mentally, and especially to maintain a positive mindset despite everything bad that was happening around the world. I also tried out new recipes (out of which some turned out to be disasters) and even found time to do some gardening.

2020 was a ‘Rollercoaster of a Year’. Although it turned out to be overwhelming at times, I’ve come to realize that just like every dark cloud has a silver lining, this very unusual year has moulded me into a better, more resilient person, and also made me appreciate the little things in life.

Written By:-
Team Firebirds

Edited By:
Rtr. Vathsankithasarma Vijayakumar
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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