The project ‘Imagine’ is an initiative by RACUOCFMF to promote sustainability among the members of the club as well as the society at large which was originally an initiative by the district. This was one of the best projects the environmental services had to work on since everything was done within a very short period of time. The project was shared by the Co-Directors for Environmental Services along with the support of the Exco and the Board members.

Initially, this project was required to comply with four major actions where one was mandatory to fulfil. Due to time constraints, we had to set the scope for only two actions, which was the “Tree for life” and “Change a life “.

The first phase of the project was “Tree for life” where the members were required to plant a tree by which they’ll be able to get benefited in years to come. It was not quite a simple task to get the members to plant a tree and take a photo but somehow, we managed to convince them where we got as many as photos which ultimately means as many as plants to the environment to produce more oxygen.

The second phase of the project was “Change a life” where we focused on the less fortunate stray dogs who were going through a lot of hardships. Members of the club managed to at least provide those stray dogs with a meal who were in their surroundings in order to make sure that they have a pawsome day amidst whatever the hardships they were going through.

The project was carried out in a period where the country was going through a so-called lockdown since for that reason the number of dogs we could reach was limited. The project was pulled off in quite a short span of time like almost two weeks and are truly grateful for the people who took part in this wonderful initiative. The fact that the saloons were closed during that period was one of the reasons where some people were quite hesitant to send photos or barely struggled to find one best photo while some people managed to turn their pets into stray dogs as well which nobody knew until now.

Each and every member who took part in this project was appreciated with an e-certificate which was issued by the organization “Road to Rights”. The support of the exco, board members and the newbies of RACUOCFMF were exceptional and that was the major reason to complete such a project within a quite short period of time and also at a higher note. While this initiative secured a lot of benefits to the society, make sure you make it a lifelong practice to preserve nature and help the needful since there’s a wise old saying “what goes around, comes around”.

Written By:-

Rtr. Asheian Fernando
(Co-Director Environmental Services 2021-22)

Written By:-

Rtr. Venuri Wijesooriya
(Co-Director Environmental Services 2021-22)

Edited By:-

Rtr. Mithushi Kathriarachchi
(Blog Team Member 2021-22)

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