Rotaractors of the Month ( May 2020 ) – Hamdha, Razna & Dinul

Rotaractors of the Month – 

Rtr. Fathima Hamdha

Congratulations to Rtr. Hamdha on her achievement. Rtr. Hamdha is a member who is always ready to provide innovative ideas to enhance the quality of a project. She always wears a big smile on her face and never refuses to contribute towards the betterment of the club. We are indeed thankful to her for all the efforts she has taken so far to take our club to greater heights. We look forward to receiving her fullest support in the future as well!


Rtr. Fathima Razna

Rtr. Razna is also one member who is always full of energy and loads of enthusiasm that is very much visible in all the work she does in the club. She will work together with her team members to plan, execute and complete the relevant tasks on time and on a high note. She is also an individual who will put her heart and soul to deliver the best to enhance the standards of the club. Her level of commitment and enthusiasm is highly appreciated by the entire club and we are quite positive that Razna will continue to provide many innovative ideas to take the club to greater heights. Congratulations Rtr. Razna and wish you all the very best in your future endeavors!


Rtr. Dinul Fernando

Rtr. Dinul is the go-to performer of RACUOCFMF. He has been a member who has voluntarily contributed to towards the success of the club. He ensures to complete his responsibilities with utmost dedication. He has also participated in external club events and brought glory and honor to RACUOCFMF. We are happy proud to have received the support of such a talented individual who has potential to carry out different and innovative projects that will enhance the standards of the club. Congratulations to the Super Star of our club and we hope that Rtr. Dinul will continue to make us proud!



Written By:

Rtr. Shehani Leo
(President – 2019/20)

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