Rotaractors of the Month ( November 2019 ) – Saseni & Sanjana

Rotaractors of the Month –

Saseni Wijegunawardane

Saseni is an individual who has a very lively personality and she never fails to spread her liveliness with everyone around her. Within a  very short time period since she has managed to mingle very well and be involved as much as possible in every project that has been organized by the club. She is also a person who is more than prepared to provide her assistance whenever we ask her and we really appreciate this quality of hers. She has fulfilled her responsibilities so well and has been a pillar of strength to the projects organized by her fellow Rotaractors. Congratulations to Rtr. Saseni on her achievement and we look forward to receiving her assistance in the future as well!

Sanjana Wanigasekara

Sanjana is a very genuine and extremely helpful individual. Our go-to photographer who possesses an extremely nice heart. He is a person who never refuses to lend a helping hand especially whenever we have needed a photographer to capture the memories of all our projects. Although he too has been in the club for a time period of 4 months he has contributed immensely to the success of most of our projects. He manages to find a solution to any problem that comes across and always takes the responsibility to make sure everything is taken care of so well. We appreciate his enthusiasm towards the activities of the club and wish him nothing but the best for his future endeavors!


Written By:
Rtr. Shehani Leo
( President – 2019/20 )

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