Rotaractors of the Quarter: July-September 2023


Introducing Rtr. Vimarshee Gunawardhana, the dedicated Co-chair of Project Target. With unwavering commitment, she consistently gives her best, excelling in various roles and projects like Vanajeeviyo 3.0, Tech Trailblazer 23, and Blind Walk 23. Beyond her project contributions, Vimarshee represents our club in sports, showcasing her versatile skills. As a leader, she fosters a collaborative environment and works tirelessly for project success. Her enthusiasm for the club is commendable, and we anticipate her continued support throughout the year.Congratulations to Rtr. Vimarshee on being recognized as the Rotaractor of the Quarter! We extend our best wishes for her future endeavors.

Now, onto Rtr. Pasindu Perera, the dedicated Co-chair of Project Path Finder under the Professional Development Avenue. Pasindu is a reliable and hardworking individual who thrives in teamwork. Despite challenges, he puts in the effort to ensure project success. Not only is he committed to his responsibilities, but he also actively encourages and brings friends to club projects. Additionally, Pasindu showcases his musical talents in events like Inception 23 and the 14th Installation ceremony.We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Rtr. Pasindu for being recognized as the Rotaractor of the Quarter! Best wishes for his continued success in all future endeavors.

Written By: –





Rtr. Nethuni De Silva
(Co-Director of Membership Development 2023-24)

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